Message from @Tonald Drump
Discord ID: 277941272038211585
saudis all need to be gassed
they recruit our women off instagram
dubai and saudi sick af
pay them $5000 to be shat on
the cars are so fucking nice there
@brando agreed. I just think that, although I have no ethical problems with disproportionate force, defense methods which do not cause lasting harm if at all possible will leave us less open to attack in the public sphere
I cant take voice ... listening to these people ... virgins living with there parents
They can already screencap worse stuff on political way easier
@Young Caesar Who the fuck is this clown
I say we carry mace/telescopic batons as standard kit
I own mace
I think one guy has a lisp
the spic sounds like kermit the frog
@Steven yep lol
SG95 is a 19 year old spic
I've been thinking of buying a Roman scutum shield. Yes? No?
No weapons that aren't concealable
you missed yesterady
brando is an idiot
Gotta look like we don't have violent intent until shit goes south
when he argued for a complex system of ranks and leadership with the tenacity and autism of a RAILFAN
@brando We have to look like non-targets.
because we dont have violent intent
Fuck you steven
let me be clear: the manchildren who catalogue and photograph train engines and railcars are less autistc than him
Brando weapons in general is a bad idea and a concield weapon is just a terrable idea.
Mace/batons aren't a bad choice
camera is best weapon
DoctorPiss is correct
Enough to keep us from getting beaten to death without accidentally killing anyone else
If you can legally carry a weapon do so. Camera is great as well.
carry a semi auto bunny
brando is still stupid as fuck
@Steven >disrespecting my initiative to work hard to become fully financially independent just like a filthy liberal would
Also only sluts use virgin as an insult. GTFO degenerate.