Discord ID: 517894323946258443

2018-11-30 02:43:38 UTC  

@NSJW facebook permanently suspended my account until I send them my real I.D to verify I'm actually a person.

2018-11-30 02:44:22 UTC  

There was massive intermarrying through conversion and converts marrying other converts and all of this was accepted as Jews bc of ashkenazi culture

2018-11-30 02:44:37 UTC  

Which is straight retarded

2018-11-30 02:44:54 UTC  

so your saying jews are like 80% white

2018-11-30 02:44:56 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:45:13 UTC  

They required state ID?

2018-11-30 02:45:16 UTC  

There are some families who are easily converts all the way back

2018-11-30 02:45:25 UTC  

it's totally muddled up

2018-11-30 02:45:43 UTC  

how did ashkenazis end up more demonic than the others

2018-11-30 02:45:47 UTC  

Was your acct linked to any of fb's paid services?

2018-11-30 02:45:52 UTC  

but you do still see Levantine features in ashkenazim it's just rare

2018-11-30 02:46:01 UTC  

Jewish women were the prime original thots, and being matrilineal ensures they can spread pretty quick

2018-11-30 02:46:12 UTC  

"pure breeding" aka inbreeding

2018-11-30 02:46:15 UTC  

@Tetzer jews were not originally matrilineal

2018-11-30 02:46:36 UTC  

i mean it has to be the matriachy thing since women suck

2018-11-30 02:46:41 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:46:41 UTC  

@naka only when I tried to learn how to do the google ads thing.

2018-11-30 02:46:44 UTC  

Did they change when they realized men are disposable

2018-11-30 02:46:49 UTC  

Judaic patriarchy was changed and they went back and revised it

2018-11-30 02:47:08 UTC  

When did they make the switch?

2018-11-30 02:47:08 UTC  

the holocaust was a massive thot patrol

2018-11-30 02:47:12 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:47:13 UTC  

Idk if that's enough but prob is

2018-11-30 02:47:15 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:47:16 UTC  

But it was a long time ago

2018-11-30 02:47:53 UTC  

Jewish pussy got me feeling strange

2018-11-30 02:48:05 UTC  

Ebay used to require you prove identity if you were suspected of 'suspicious activity' like selling bootlegs

2018-11-30 02:48:09 UTC  

so the currently israel is matriarchal or patriarchal

2018-11-30 02:48:19 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:48:23 UTC  

Idiot friend of mine thought he had a good thing going by reselling chinatown shit

2018-11-30 02:48:42 UTC  

Israel is like a Jewish subethnic melting pot only the biggest share is white jews

2018-11-30 02:48:57 UTC  

by far

2018-11-30 02:48:59 UTC  

Told that boy "nope, you gonna get shut down and b7" and the next week it happen

2018-11-30 02:49:04 UTC  

Israel has literal apartheid

2018-11-30 02:49:08 UTC  


2018-11-30 02:49:10 UTC  

I think it might've been a bit of that, but also me just getting reported a shot Tom during the election

2018-11-30 02:49:12 UTC  

There were a lot of fake autographs on ebay

2018-11-30 02:49:19 UTC  

The Arabs are segregated

2018-11-30 02:49:22 UTC  

Pretty funny

2018-11-30 02:49:23 UTC  

but if you're like Palestinian jewish they suck your cock

2018-11-30 02:49:30 UTC  

if israel is patriarchal all we have to do is take the matriarchal ones and send them there