Message from @laal
Discord ID: 575160900487610388
I actually know nothing about the daily braap other than the fact that it’s hosted by a morbidly obese, wheelchair-bound 30-something who keeps pinging everyone in this server about his dead gay internet podcast
i raped grumpy gamer at richard spencers pool party
I didnt expect you to kick me, I did it so I could report the stream
I actually know nothing about the daily braap other than the fact that it’s hosted by a morbidly obese, wheelchair-bound 30-something who keeps pinging everyone in this server about his dead gay internet podcast
>i did it to report the stream
100% normal
Stay mad ho LOLOLOL
I was open about that
lolol the dude was attacking the catholic church as a pedo cult
I did no such thing
yeah you did
your an anti chrisitan
Lmfao whatever helps you cope wignat
chad wignat
hope i get that wignat money
I’m waiting for this argument to end at the monkey bars during recess
Let me come on and say nigger again so I can flag the stream
good luck when they ban your ass for false flags lOL
Imagine taking time out of your day to join a stream with 30 viewers to try and totally own him by taking a daily show down
Nice lmao
hope you get employed soon
I don't
Being unemployed rocks
the funniest part was when grump came on stream he sound3ed like he weighed 500 pounds
he sounds fatter than me
@GRUMPYGAMER poast fizeek
everyone in the chat was making fun of him
All 17 people
he will never post pyseek
Ill do it
imagine being so mad you watch our view count
You're too fat to fit in the frame