Message from @El Cuello Rojo
Discord ID: 405972111405088778
Do I have to type in the # roll_call for them to recognize me or say things, or just say one thing? How do they know I'm gonna be on there?
Type <#231936127378915328>
Ok, and then they will know I want to get on?
in the roll call channel
Thanks! From your experience, are the people in all these chats friendly? Have you ever had any bad experiences on here?
I've never been offended in 50 yrs of life, so I don't really understand the question
Haha! I understand what you mean!
Holy Shit .....
indeed, gotta see this
What about the can?
Optimized for the ak
Ah yeah but the AK is a terrible system to suppress.
its fine
This can supposedly works better than typical cans
For the ak i mean
Yeah because it’s got a larger bore so you won’t destroy it
i just say any can for 7.62 will be fine
We need some Matt and Blonde emojis