Message from @PrimaryDisguise (Jarod)
Discord ID: 410993563547992064
huh I am first that never happens
its by Cindy Bass.'s buill cause its offenive
the one lady stood up and said those asin buisness to leave cause they should be black owned
oh i saw that
its all brain cell killing
we had that teacher aids who showed jorden peterson and everyone lost their shit
excuse me while i insert my white privlage here as i push a mop and clean toilets
their was one it was 7 times and he killed somone
i saw one video where this guy was wearing a make america hat great hat and the teacher freaks out and everyone left to another class
takes them all and gets really high
ya but even look at presidents and other speachs as well
now sjw's they want to send white people back lmao
Sorry difficaled to listen to both
I leveled up?
i'm over 9000
<@!333682635043897345> Stan's first
am I in the quiet room?
so now we play the waiting game?
if you get lucky, best of luck.
oh so we might not even get selected?
so they way it works is first Patreon then normals until time runs out.
sure. makes sense
Do they go in order?
@Arcion are you real?
Did you just ask me if I am real? @TheLostHelio