Message from @Metal_Mehmet
Discord ID: 423671953350721536
Yeah I'm 19 so I might as well just walk in try and buy and get in on the joint law suit
lol that meme thou
If they even pay out
ur mom gey
and jesus
the memes
they guf
gud lol
I cant even misspell on purpose lol
Peterson is lw his own archetype slaying the dragon that is the leftist
are people talking in this? how do you turn on sound?
What's the hardest part of the vegetable to eat?
thats a good question
The wheelchair
oh shit
Whats the difference between a crack whore and your wife?
the crack whore will at least fuck you before she takes your money
XD Damn
this gud
thank you 😄
How do you get a jewish girl's number?
Roll up her sleeve
@Wandering yeah i didn't read the email instantly and link my account till i realised i was about 2 away
gotta ask though, why the attitude?
patrons get priority in call in show and there are times when they come later and replace people that been waiting an hour
then become a patreon like i did
Well, they paid for it.