Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 646764610950660099

2019-11-20 15:57:22 UTC  

Thats how that trailer makes me feel.

2019-11-20 15:57:25 UTC  

@Old Man Hound of the tourettes? I've never heard "bitch lasagne" as part of the ticks before - it's funny

2019-11-20 15:57:49 UTC  

@Agent Smith Yeah I was talking about the video. Is she any good?

2019-11-20 15:58:03 UTC  


2019-11-20 15:58:27 UTC  

it was in another server on discord

2019-11-20 15:59:26 UTC  

One of the annoyances of twitch is there isn't a "Greatest cuts" mode.

2019-11-20 15:59:33 UTC  

Like on Youtube where you can sort by views.

2019-11-20 15:59:38 UTC  

also the "plays with her dick" bit was funny too

2019-11-20 16:01:48 UTC  

You have a good taste in clips Mr.Smith.

2019-11-20 17:03:47 UTC  

people doubt anita's tourettes but i think it's legit. i just watch her highlights channel because she's cute and the tourettes adds some comedy

2019-11-20 17:08:31 UTC  

Tourettes can sometimes manifest as excitable stream of conscious, or something like Tourettes.

2019-11-20 17:17:33 UTC  

Shit makes me so livid...

2019-11-20 17:18:44 UTC  

*Robert Mugabe became Prime Minister of Zimbabwe in 1980, when his ZANU-PF party won the elections following the end of white minority rule; he was the President of Zimbabwe from 1987 until his resignation in 2017. Under Mugabe's authoritarian regime, the state security apparatus dominated the country and was responsible for widespread human rights violations.[16] Mugabe maintained the revolutionary socialist rhetoric of the Cold War era, blaming Zimbabwe's economic woes on conspiring Western capitalist countries.[17] Contemporary African political leaders were reluctant to criticise Mugabe, who was burnished by his anti-imperialist credentials, though Archbishop Desmond Tutu called him "a cartoon figure of an archetypal African dictator".[18] The country has been in economic decline since the 1990s, experiencing several crashes and hyperinflation along the way.*

2019-11-20 17:20:42 UTC  

*Inflation rose from an annual rate of 32% in 1998, to an official* ***estimated high of 11,200,000%*** *in August 2008 according to the country's Central Statistical Office.[183] This represented a state of hyperinflation, and the central bank introduced a new 100 trillion dollar note.[184]*

2019-11-20 17:27:27 UTC  


2019-11-20 17:27:54 UTC  

11.2M%...i'm just impressed

2019-11-20 17:28:30 UTC  

Do any of you guys own any Zimbabwe Bucks

2019-11-20 17:28:47 UTC  

I need to grab some one of these days.

2019-11-20 17:31:39 UTC  

What's with kikes and killing farmers...?

2019-11-20 17:33:23 UTC  

Thats just what a calling grape-bird lover would say.

2019-11-20 18:30:05 UTC  
2019-11-20 18:43:53 UTC  

Lets hope it starts a trend

2019-11-20 18:48:13 UTC  

one fat chick ruining it for everyone xD xD

2019-11-20 18:49:30 UTC  

A subtle message "Loose weight fatty"

2019-11-20 18:49:47 UTC  

Put down the snickers

2019-11-20 18:50:07 UTC  

And the hohos

2019-11-20 18:50:23 UTC  

and the twinkies

2019-11-20 18:50:37 UTC  

and the doughnuts

2019-11-20 18:51:27 UTC  

Now your pockets are empty, thats a start

2019-11-20 18:56:22 UTC  
2019-11-20 20:51:50 UTC  

that one was dark

2019-11-20 20:51:54 UTC  

the video topic not the dude

2019-11-20 20:51:59 UTC  

but the dude too

2019-11-20 20:54:22 UTC  

And he still coudn't solve the math problem 😦

2019-11-20 22:03:45 UTC  
2019-11-20 22:11:54 UTC  

On the Tim Pool video, I doubt the guy defecting will change much. My knowledge only comes from seeing happen on a national scale, but I seem to recall that usually when a congressman switches parties, they don't get reelected, because that district either wants someone from the party they previously belonged to, or a real member of the party the guy defected to.