Message from @J Edgar
Discord ID: 437730006693838859
I ran across another dildo swaggins in Shapiro's Livestream the one time I watched it. He knew nothing of beauty and the beta
I've also seen Bilbo Fraggins in shooters. Hobbit pun names are more common than I ever would have thought
Guys! I designed a shirt!
I find that highly offensive. My unwillingness to pay should not be a barrier to where I loiter
The man in the picture is white, so it's racist.
I blame society
And like that, because I made this image I'm alt-right!
That's how this works... Right?!
America really is the greatest superpower the world has ever known, and with that sort of power small gobernment can't exist, no matter who and how much someone platforms on downsizing
No and not true
The United States became a superpower on small government. Mainly because people have been vying to come here for 242 years to escape the overreach of large centralized federal governments
What. My comment not true?
The size of US gov. Is monstrous, it's just not civilly imposing
especially on a federal scale. I California wants to keep it's bloated, red-tape beaurocracy, it's on them. But they need to understand that there is no law saying that the federal government has to be the same. In fact, quite the opposite. The Tenth Amendment sees to that.
Thank you J
why have you not yet?
Messenger is the best way for me to communicate with my wife. Otherwise I would have dumped it a year or so ago.
I tried to get her to move to Discord...
... that a new style of kink... I know people like having people watch but having facebook keep all your sexts is too wild for me
I just dont use facebook proper
I've touched my account maybe twice since then, one was to remove a long distance friend of mine who turned out to be a sex offender
and I basically only use messenger as a "hows it goin" tool, and drag people to other services for actual conversations
After I get paid I'm going to donate to the GoFundMe under that guys name.
That'll show him!
Can you guys help me out?
Is this gay?
Don't see why it's just a clamp trap
But it does say "bear"...