Message from @Big T

Discord ID: 561315032432902163

2019-03-29 22:16:47 UTC  

its as if they cannot understand that masculinity and femininity are a slider, not two discrete categories. you can be a masculine girl without having to create a new category.

2019-03-29 22:16:56 UTC  

so they create loads of new categories

2019-03-29 22:18:29 UTC  

ive talked to a bunch of these ppl in real life, and you would swear theyre on the spectrum. awkward as fuck socially

2019-03-29 22:18:55 UTC  

Yeah. The non binary ideology requires an absolute standard of both masculinity and femininity to exist

2019-03-29 22:19:19 UTC  

exactly. it cannot be continuous

2019-03-29 22:19:36 UTC  

I’m a dude and I don’t care about sports. Do I have a special gender now?

2019-03-29 22:19:41 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:19:42 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:19:49 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:19:55 UTC  

idc either, unless its fighting, then thats my shit

2019-03-29 22:20:21 UTC  

but thats cuz my father wasnt into sports

2019-03-29 22:20:22 UTC  

Well, that’s the thing. It’s preferences that drive these differences

2019-03-29 22:21:44 UTC  

tho i should have been. would have probably gotten into college easier and cheaper if i grew up playing football. offensive linesman

2019-03-29 22:21:59 UTC  

built for it

2019-03-29 22:22:58 UTC  

or a ripped defensive linesman haha

2019-03-29 22:23:00 UTC  

I’ll say this. I don’t care what my future kids want to do, as long as it’s morally permissible.

2019-03-29 22:23:08 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:24:33 UTC  

If I have a son that’s really into sports, fine by me. Science, hunting, cooking, dance & theatre I don’t care either.

2019-03-29 22:25:26 UTC  

However, if he gets in to commie crap NO.

2019-03-29 22:25:30 UTC  

Absolutely not.

2019-03-29 22:25:32 UTC  

its their character that matters, not their interests. if they have been raised right. thats something that eludes parents these days for some reason

2019-03-29 22:25:35 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:26:47 UTC  

At a certain point kids are gonna try to push on those barriers. Don't be surprised if a hard-line anti commie stance produces an ancommie, at least during the teenage years

2019-03-29 22:26:53 UTC  

"lil aiden is interested in A, therefore hes not a boy now hes a C" 🙄

2019-03-29 22:27:07 UTC  

Not if you prime them correctly.

2019-03-29 22:27:52 UTC  

Show them the mass graves and they won’t support it.

2019-03-29 22:28:08 UTC  

Teach them before they get brainwashed

2019-03-29 22:28:08 UTC  

dont make it political is the key. teach them gun safety and take shooting a lot. raise them to enjoy the things that authoritarians hate

2019-03-29 22:28:23 UTC  

"That wasn't real communism, *dad*, why are you so *lame*?"

2019-03-29 22:28:28 UTC  


2019-03-29 22:28:43 UTC  

Be gone Bolshevik

2019-03-29 22:28:53 UTC  

otherwise every teen in texas would be a commie

2019-03-29 22:29:06 UTC  

that isnt the case, so they rebel in other ways

2019-03-29 22:29:27 UTC  

steal your truck to go hang out with their friends for example

2019-03-29 22:29:29 UTC  

I hope my future sons are big time masculine though. More masculine than me. Lol

2019-03-29 22:29:44 UTC  

how masculine are you?

2019-03-29 22:29:51 UTC  

And future daughters more feminine.

2019-03-29 22:30:05 UTC  

Eh. I think I’m pretty masculine.

2019-03-29 22:30:24 UTC  

I tend to be a wee bit more passive.

2019-03-29 22:30:35 UTC  

oh so just want them to be a bit more assertive

2019-03-29 22:30:39 UTC  

for sure