Message from @Chump_or_Champ

Discord ID: 564581233917427733

2019-04-07 20:59:20 UTC  

Actually that would still be the case even if you were a creationist

2019-04-07 21:00:26 UTC  

speed of light= 3.00×10⁸ 9.8m/s acceleration over 6000yrs=1.8 x 10^12

2019-04-07 22:13:13 UTC  

And isn't the supposed acceleration a not insignificant amount?

2019-04-07 22:30:29 UTC  

it would be exactly the same as the acceleration of gravity, 9.8m/s. It was part of Einstein's work that observing gravity working on you vs being subject to acceleration are basically indistinguishable mathematically.

2019-04-07 22:31:42 UTC  

the real kicker is explaining how the hell something is generating that much *thrust*

2019-04-07 22:34:39 UTC

2019-04-07 22:35:12 UTC  

any of you sense the bullshit or can fact check this? I'm researching now, but would like some guidance from anyone here who's better informed.

2019-04-07 22:36:15 UTC  

I’d say who cares? There are far better ways to prove how illegal and mass immigration isn’t good.

2019-04-07 22:37:40 UTC  

I see no citations in that section

2019-04-07 22:37:48 UTC  

certainly seems sketchy to claim that sanctuary cities and weak immigration enforcement have had a negligible impact, but I can't back that up with anything

2019-04-07 22:38:07 UTC  

I'd say readily debunking lies or misinformation is always important, especially if they stack up to a larger narrative. ex. the ***handful*** of police shootings of blacks that have led to a larger BLM movement.

2019-04-07 22:38:16 UTC

2019-04-07 22:39:20 UTC  

@C1PHER good observation, although are there really sources that prove a negative? i guess so.

2019-04-07 22:41:26 UTC

2019-04-07 22:41:30 UTC  

It also seems like their murders tend to be more brutal, so maybe that could be argued to make them a bigger threat. Also it seems possible that drug cartels overall account for a large percentage of murder even if MS-13 doesn't in particular

2019-04-07 22:42:08 UTC  

I also don't seem to recall MS-13 being used as a key reasoning for being hardline against illegals, so that seems like it might be a bit of a strawman. I'm sure it gets brought up, but it's not key to the argument

2019-04-07 22:42:52 UTC  

the first paragraph here leads me to a reasonable conclusion that "refugees" from war torn Central American countries and pursuiants squatted in LA originating the MS gang.

2019-04-07 22:43:08 UTC  

It was somewhat major around 2018, don't know if Trump ever mentioned them in 2016 though

2019-04-07 22:43:29 UTC  

i should provide context to why this came up. lol one second.

2019-04-07 22:43:59 UTC

2019-04-07 22:44:15 UTC  

I've been seeing this frequently brought up.

2019-04-07 22:44:45 UTC

2019-04-07 22:44:50 UTC  

as a way to blame the US for the origin of gangs.

2019-04-07 22:45:39 UTC  

I've seen general "Guatemala is only a warzone because the War on Drugs so the US has to take all the impoverished Guatemalans in"

2019-04-07 22:46:36 UTC  

“We don’t make criminal gangs, but if we did, they would be the best and most criminal gangs!”

2019-04-07 22:49:56 UTC  

have i told you i love you folks? 😂

2019-04-07 22:50:08 UTC  

I figured it was understood.

2019-04-07 22:50:31 UTC  

You lot of misfits are pretty great.

2019-04-07 22:59:11 UTC  

Well, if that’s the claim they are making then why aren’t the existing democratic politicians being held accountable for voting in the war on drugs policy? These hypocrites don’t actually care.

2019-04-07 23:03:23 UTC  

As far as I know, the war on drugs policy was pretty unanimous because everyone thought it would work. People only started realizing in the 90s that it wasn’t working.

2019-04-08 01:12:24 UTC

2019-04-08 01:56:47 UTC

2019-04-08 01:57:23 UTC

2019-04-08 02:21:05 UTC  

Right should be Joe Biden instead.

2019-04-08 02:27:01 UTC  

Spread the meme

2019-04-08 03:02:39 UTC

2019-04-08 03:03:15 UTC  

Twitter profile pic literally him kissing a baby

2019-04-08 03:03:40 UTC  

did that baby consent? #metoo

2019-04-08 03:25:02 UTC

2019-04-08 03:28:42 UTC