Message from @Lord Zedd

Discord ID: 662923673841303552

2020-01-04 07:29:06 UTC  

and not that important to most Aussies

2020-01-04 07:29:56 UTC  

it's as if it's another country

2020-01-04 07:30:38 UTC  

well it's not unlike the distance from New York to LA

2020-01-04 07:30:52 UTC  

actually it might even be a bit further

2020-01-04 07:31:45 UTC  

but unlike the US there's nothing in between

2020-01-04 07:33:01 UTC  

Well, people from NY or LA may say the same about the US

2020-01-04 07:33:13 UTC  

yeah I'm being much more literal

2020-01-04 07:33:26 UTC  

I mean there's the Great Sandy Desert

2020-01-04 07:33:38 UTC  

lol just miles and miles of feral cats

2020-01-04 07:33:41 UTC  

or the Nullarbor depending on what way you go

2020-01-04 07:34:43 UTC  

that looks pretty cool where it meets the ocean

2020-01-04 07:37:51 UTC  

There's some video on youtube by Vox or something that says the reason certain countries on maps are smaller than real life is because maps are made by white supremacist, western/euro-centric racists.

2020-01-04 07:38:16 UTC  

damn it they're onto cartographers the last bastion of white supremacy

2020-01-04 07:38:25 UTC  


2020-01-04 07:40:22 UTC  

something I've always found interesting did you know Aus has the largest share of Antartica?

2020-01-04 07:40:52 UTC  

Really? well I guess you guys are pretty close to it

2020-01-04 07:41:03 UTC  

What even goes on there

2020-01-04 07:41:17 UTC  


2020-01-04 07:41:41 UTC  

but it's crazy once upon a time Antartica shared wildlife with Aus

2020-01-04 07:42:00 UTC  

it may even have been where our wildlife came from

2020-01-04 07:44:26 UTC  

It's so weird to think that everything was all smashed together at one point. And Australia became the last bastion for marsupials before placental mammals took over the rest of the world.

2020-01-04 07:45:01 UTC  

there are some marsupials in the Americas

2020-01-04 07:46:03 UTC  

mhmm we have exactly 1 species here lol

2020-01-04 07:46:13 UTC  

the virginia opossum

2020-01-04 07:46:22 UTC  

there are more south of the border though

2020-01-04 07:46:23 UTC  

those things are creepy

2020-01-04 07:46:29 UTC  

they are so cute!

2020-01-04 07:46:32 UTC  

our possums are cute

2020-01-04 07:46:47 UTC  

Ours are like cool halloween possums

2020-01-04 07:47:17 UTC  

although they may look cute they are ferocious when fighting

2020-01-04 07:47:24 UTC

2020-01-04 07:48:11 UTC  

You guys have like hundreds of different ones, I can't tell them all apart. I do hope they survive the invasive species problem.

2020-01-04 07:48:37 UTC  

possums aren't really threatened but some of our smaller ones are

2020-01-04 07:49:02 UTC  

wtf they sound like demon hogs lol

2020-01-04 07:49:54 UTC  

yeah there are possums near here often at night when it's quiet you'll hear that start out of nowhere

2020-01-04 07:50:13 UTC  

That's like raccoons for us

2020-01-04 07:50:32 UTC  

but they're very tame usually with humans you can feed them from you hand, some will climb on you

2020-01-04 07:52:03 UTC  

it's funny possums were very rare where I grew up out in sticks but they're every in the cities, same for Scrub turkeys and white ibis, it's funny how adaptive some species are to cities

2020-01-04 07:52:57 UTC  

I love ibises but ive heard australians call them bin birds are something lol