Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 511958051742547968

2018-11-13 15:55:35 UTC  

NYS Dem Ron Kim to introduce legislature to block Amazon from coming to NYC...

2018-11-13 15:56:54 UTC  

Cuomo is against it and he would have to sign it....soooooo....dead on arrive if it were to pass.....unlikely for that one

2018-11-13 16:02:09 UTC  

I live in NY Ron Kim is a grand stander he is always trying to grow his profile

2018-11-13 16:02:42 UTC  

Cuomo strikes me as old school democrat. (Political machine, corruption, back door deals, family dynasty, unions) does that sound about right?

2018-11-13 16:03:13 UTC  


2018-11-13 16:05:37 UTC  

I know its still not a positive, but sometimes im relieved when they are corrupt. After all a parasite doesn't want to kill its host, but a fanatic would happily get us all killed if its consistent with their ideology.

2018-11-13 16:06:25 UTC  

depends who they a corrupt to. Just like ideologs depends on the ideology

2018-11-13 16:08:19 UTC  

Well in this case I'm referring specifically to democrats. A corrupt democrat versus a true believer in socialism.

2018-11-13 16:11:02 UTC  

Cuomo is corrupt to his friends and donors. And things are slowly getting worse here......NY loses about 100k people per year moving out net. NYC has lost 1 mill in the last decade....I see Cuomo with Amazon trying to reverse that.

2018-11-13 16:13:22 UTC  

Like I said at the end of the day he realizes he needs the business to be corrupt. A true believer would send amazon packing (or at least demand more taxes) and say the people leaving are greedy (kulaks).

2018-11-13 16:17:49 UTC  

Maybe when California collapses the masses will realize the flaw in leftist ways.

2018-11-13 16:19:12 UTC  

I think Illinois is trying to beat them to it.

2018-11-13 16:19:22 UTC  

Lol. Good point

2018-11-13 16:22:22 UTC  

The new Dems in Illinois want to raise the min wage. Allow medicare buy ins and strengthen unions.....thats what the think will turn around their economy

2018-11-13 16:31:41 UTC  

Is Rauner still there?

2018-11-13 17:04:01 UTC  

Trump’s southeast regional EPA administrator indicted on Alabama ethics charges

2018-11-13 17:10:07 UTC  

I need to look into this.

2018-11-13 17:22:48 UTC  

no one said a Trump admin was going to be pure

2018-11-13 17:24:43 UTC  

Raunner was voted out for Pritzker. A dem billionaire

2018-11-13 17:36:47 UTC  
2018-11-13 17:38:31 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy yeah. I agree, but this points to what I’m getting concerned about. It puts more fire under radical environmental groups.

2018-11-13 17:40:43 UTC  

they are always going to be a problem but I doubt they will ever gain real national power

2018-11-13 17:48:24 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy They’ve already had a bunch of negative influence. Climate change wouldn’t have been such a challenging issue if they hadn’t gone on an antinuclear crusade. They’ve almost completely won that war. It’s annoying.

2018-11-13 17:49:28 UTC  

well yes didn't think of nuclear. I was thinking of them trying to ban gasoline. Which reality would set in the way

2018-11-13 17:49:58 UTC  

Like how france think they will be off it by 2040

2018-11-13 17:52:45 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy thankfully, they may not be able to do that at the federal level. I do think that the natural transition to electric cars will be somewhat quick anyways. I think that by 2040, at least 75-80% of all cars will be electric, but that doesn’t justify banning gas. The problem is that not all vehicles can get off gas with the current technology. Most can, but all can’t.

2018-11-13 17:57:39 UTC  

well I see the issue is in Europe populations are more concentrated..How many houses, parking garages, parking in general would need to have charging points added.....Electric cars still don't have the charge time or distance capability to be main stream yet. Haven't seen any evidense (other than Elon Musk promises) that they will be there. Almost everyone now with a electric car has another car

2018-11-13 17:59:25 UTC  

If the tech gets there I'll be happy to drive one. But I want only 1 car. Best I've heard is 300 miles on 1 charge....well I drive more than that a few times per year.

2018-11-13 18:01:29 UTC  

I want a good electric motorcycle. Tech isn't there yet, but I'm watching the industry.

2018-11-13 18:01:42 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy I get your point. Most charging happens at home. Some power companies offer rebates for installation. The real issue is the number of quick dc charging stations. The network is being constructed now. It’ll be ready for prime time by 2020.

2018-11-13 18:06:59 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy there are some batteries being made that can charge to 80% in about 25 minutes.

2018-11-13 18:07:47 UTC  

25min over the 5 it takes now......hmmmmmm

2018-11-13 18:09:14 UTC  

The trade off is that it’s cheaper and you don’t need to use stations around town. I’m looking at getting a plug in hybrid. Best of both.

2018-11-13 18:10:33 UTC  

Well I cool if its cost effective. Its just if forcing a worse/more expensive option I would object too

2018-11-13 18:16:00 UTC  

Yeah. That’s the problem I have with the environmental ideologues. The cars are getting cheaper and a pure electric offers cost savings on both fuel and maintenance, but that doesn’t mean forcing people to buy them is the right approach. These environmentalist compare the transition from gas to electric to the transition from horses to cars. It’s a terrible comparison.

New York should already have a ton of stations I think.

2018-11-13 18:18:33 UTC  

@grant do you ride a motorcycle now?

2018-11-13 18:20:31 UTC  

I'm in NY. Haven't seen one yet

2018-11-13 18:22:26 UTC  

ok found them....I haven't seen them cause they aren't at gas station....they are stand alone

2018-11-13 18:22:36 UTC  

Makes sense, they don’t advertise the locations. If you download the app plugshare, you should see them.

I argued with some idiot that lack of advertising hindered electric vehicle sales. He told me that I just wasn’t dedicated to the ‘revolution’

2018-11-13 18:24:39 UTC  

Man I drive by one all the time. I thought it a abonded gas station since I never see a car there

2018-11-13 18:25:29 UTC  

They are everywhere up north.