Message from @Lord Zedd

Discord ID: 554084808872034314

2019-03-09 23:24:13 UTC  

honestly with the bootcamps out there, it would just be the web dev/design industry lol

2019-03-09 23:24:21 UTC  

hmm Samsung have about 40000 Google have like 18000

2019-03-09 23:24:26 UTC  

they wouldnt get a second look at any application/systems jobs

2019-03-09 23:24:48 UTC  

that too so you have a bunch of unemployed code miners

2019-03-09 23:24:54 UTC  


2019-03-09 23:25:13 UTC  

and so many of those existing employees arent technical. sales, hr, product support etc

2019-03-09 23:25:18 UTC  

ppl forget that side

2019-03-09 23:25:45 UTC  

the numbers I got were mostly in software

2019-03-09 23:26:10 UTC  

im not sure about that. lemme check

2019-03-09 23:26:35 UTC  

well that's according to business insider and it's just an estimate but it's a good working number for the argument

2019-03-09 23:27:10 UTC  

Samsung as a whole has 275000 employees which is ridiculous

2019-03-09 23:27:33 UTC  

maybe youre right. apparently googles total count is 98,771

2019-03-09 23:28:00 UTC  

you would think the numbers would be the reverse

2019-03-09 23:28:10 UTC  

so 18% of their employees are software

2019-03-09 23:28:36 UTC  

samsung has their own manufacturing so theres probably a lot of factory workers in that number

2019-03-09 23:28:59 UTC  

yeah, then cleaners, hr, pr and advertising, customer service etc

2019-03-09 23:29:34 UTC  

no wonder they're so expensive they've got an army to support

2019-03-09 23:30:11 UTC  

pretty much, apple as well

2019-03-09 23:34:16 UTC  

damn, 80% of googles revenue is from clicks

2019-03-09 23:34:35 UTC  

gimme some of that lol

2019-03-09 23:35:12 UTC  

imagine would the company would have been had they not come up with google ads

2019-03-09 23:35:18 UTC  

probably bankrupt

2019-03-09 23:35:48 UTC  

probably. or at least way smaller.

2019-03-09 23:35:59 UTC  
2019-03-09 23:36:22 UTC  

lol noice

2019-03-09 23:36:53 UTC  

that being said just thinking about what I'd do with an extra $1000 a month....

2019-03-09 23:37:09 UTC  

lol im so not down with ubi

2019-03-09 23:37:18 UTC  

probably the same I do now but with nicer furniture

2019-03-09 23:37:59 UTC  

thats probably what would happen, ppl adjust their output to be right back where they were pre ubi

2019-03-09 23:38:04 UTC  

solving nothin

2019-03-09 23:38:13 UTC  

i touched on UBI yesterday when talking about birth rates, UBI seems to be needed because of trying to pump up birth rates

2019-03-09 23:38:39 UTC  

let the birth rates fall you reduce the need of it since eventually population will drop to what is sustainable

2019-03-09 23:39:23 UTC  

i'm starting to think lower birth rates in the west is not a problem but an adjustment

2019-03-09 23:39:45 UTC  

Africa is simply breeding itself into greater poverty

2019-03-09 23:39:45 UTC  

its big gov that cannot be weaned off the faucet of tax revenue

2019-03-09 23:40:06 UTC  

so instead of downsizing to meet pop levels, they just import the 3rd world

2019-03-09 23:40:24 UTC  

then realise they don't have enough jobs to go around

2019-03-09 23:41:36 UTC  

its a return feudalism

2019-03-09 23:41:39 UTC  

return to*

2019-03-09 23:46:07 UTC  

although the issue would be is how long till it balances out, at what point does the birth rate balance out with the rate of automation

2019-03-09 23:47:32 UTC  

new jobs will appear. this is always the case