Message from @Droidbot
Discord ID: 485481174035202050
it uses qt
has to be quality software
Ok, convinced me
can u pirate that <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
Would be interested as well but none of my earphones are supported
Still not sure about sonarworks snake oil
it's free on mobile
it's bretty gud
especially since it works with normiepods
Oh vey free
If you paid jewbux for a custom tuned headset from them you enter the code in
I see no other options to select headphones
Go back and hit list
Close out the app
go into the side bar
Same thing
Alright check your net
That menu should be populated
With like loads of models
Lemme try turning it on and off again
didnt like the sound of it on my pc
will try with iems on phone later
Show me how it looks on your side @Droidbot?
I see nothing in the same menu
Maybe if I turn off full screen mode
wait so the truefi TM only works for songs played from the app?
Guess I am stuck with Samsung soundalive then