Message from @Spanners

Discord ID: 609543139895672853

2019-08-10 00:12:39 UTC  

@Agent Smith I see what you're talking about - they speak about installing the switch that isolates your house from city power while you're on the generator. I'm sure other such devices exist and are being implemented into infrastructure. I was more talking about the scenario when a dingus who doesn't know about such safety measure decides to try and do something that results in the dangerous backfeed

2019-08-10 00:13:58 UTC  

My knowledge could also be out of date on the matter

2019-08-10 00:14:49 UTC  

I think the one they show is a manual one, but I've seen isolators that will only allow a house to be fed by one source, using electromagnets

2019-08-10 00:15:49 UTC  

Interesting. Do you have any idea how widespread they are? I doubt these come standard

2019-08-10 00:15:52 UTC  

plug the genny in and electromagnets disconnect the grid kind of thing

2019-08-10 00:16:47 UTC  

haven't heard of it in Australia, but I've seen them in US and UK videos

2019-08-10 00:17:29 UTC  

Does seem like the sort of thing to have if you plan on powering the house in a storm.

2019-08-10 00:18:27 UTC  

Most I've been a part of on that front is plugging the coffee maker into the genny while the power was out

2019-08-10 00:20:25 UTC  

I'm pretty sure these powerwalls have isolation built in

2019-08-10 00:21:44 UTC  

they probably also have phase sync like UPS's and grid-tie inverters do

2019-08-10 00:22:21 UTC  

Oh jeez, I hadn't even considered phase sync

2019-08-10 00:22:29 UTC  

That would also be an issue

2019-08-10 00:25:30 UTC  

Out of curiosity, what's coming out of your wall in Australia? I know Europe and U.S. are very different.

2019-08-10 00:25:44 UTC  


2019-08-10 00:26:05 UTC  

my UPS says 231v

2019-08-10 00:26:11 UTC  

Do I need to invert the phase to power a device made in the U.S.?

2019-08-10 00:26:30 UTC  

no, lol

2019-08-10 00:26:44 UTC  

ac here is 50Hz tho

2019-08-10 00:26:49 UTC  


2019-08-10 00:28:06 UTC  

if you have like a iphone charger, they run 90-240v @50/60Hz

2019-08-10 00:28:17 UTC  

Japan is 100v

2019-08-10 00:28:32 UTC  

that's why it goes that low

2019-08-10 00:29:10 UTC  

I guess every continent needs to have its own special power specifications

2019-08-10 00:33:41 UTC  

America has "split-phase" 240v for stuff like ovens, dryers and furnaces. I get it, but it's retarded cuz it was a work around that needed to be invented cuz the US gov made standards to favour copper miners when the standards were being invented

2019-08-10 00:34:37 UTC  


2019-08-10 00:34:46 UTC  

short sighted bureaucracy

2019-08-10 00:36:07 UTC  

though I'd rather deal with bureaucratic 240VAC than try and take people who talk about free wireless energy seriously

2019-08-10 00:43:14 UTC  

does Germany have single-payer healthcare?

2019-08-10 00:45:21 UTC  

In my sate of NH we have a Meals and Lodging tax. We don't have other taxes though like sales tax

2019-08-10 00:46:52 UTC  

We should tax politicians for all of the hot air they generate

2019-08-10 00:47:06 UTC  

heh, agreed

2019-08-10 00:54:03 UTC  


10PM Eastern 9PM Central 7PM Pacific

@betzva @StonedMonkeypro @1MysticNinja @trippypoop
@FullMetalPickle @TheTemmaTheHun

2019-08-10 01:10:46 UTC  

f you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.
If you eat a steak, I'll tax your meat.

2019-08-10 01:10:53 UTC  

Even fits in the song

2019-08-10 01:33:34 UTC  
