Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 616433405948723239

2019-08-28 17:01:05 UTC  

1. Yes, school shootings are real.
2. They're still utterly rare.
That doesn't mean we should do nothing, but stupid assinine bullshit answers like rocks and hockey pucks (and rubber batons) help the problem, nor does spotlighting (, which that CBC article clearly (absolutely and unquestionably) is.
Now, that rant over... There are other related reasons to secure schools; Most of y'all are too young to remember, but in the late 198Ø's and early '9Ø's, there was a rash of non-custodial parental kidnappings at schools. There's ***STILL*** a drug problem in many schools (Paterson NJ's Eastside High School former principal Joe CLARK became famous when hr took the problem on with baseball bats and chains on the doors, *Lean on Me* was loosely based on his story).
But nothing stops a shooter as fast as knowing he's *GOING* to die if he tries.

2019-08-28 17:17:44 UTC  

How's that never trumping working out Bret Stevens? Are your new friends standing up for you? Oh what's that they're hypocritical liars and they hate you regardless of the fact that you switched sides for them. Gee who could've predicted that.

2019-08-28 19:34:44 UTC  


2019-08-28 19:41:12 UTC  

The link to the doc if people want to read

2019-08-28 20:43:15 UTC  

The same case can be made for radicalizing people on the left

2019-08-28 20:43:43 UTC  

You’re watching a buzzfeed video and next thing you know you’re on TYT and breadtube

2019-08-28 20:53:04 UTC  

One minute you're reading an NYT article arguing that the USSR wasn't so bad, next thing you know, well you're already there pretty much

2019-08-28 21:00:37 UTC  

So... ¿One day you're fat and happy, the next you're dead of starvation?

2019-08-28 23:29:36 UTC  

Shoot. And right before she was going to tell all those white women why they were wrong for voting for Pres. Trump.

2019-08-28 23:34:56 UTC  

Mad lad

2019-08-28 23:36:26 UTC  

good she was going nowhere

2019-08-28 23:37:33 UTC  

Wasn't she one of the higher tier joke candidates?

2019-08-28 23:37:51 UTC  

she was....some thought she had a chance

2019-08-28 23:40:57 UTC  

I'm sure he was never actually afraid of her lol

2019-08-28 23:50:18 UTC  


2019-08-29 00:16:30 UTC  

Legalize reposting the same link in a row 😔

2019-08-29 02:21:58 UTC  

Remind to get good belle laff when read di pidgin

2019-08-29 02:29:58 UTC  

i forget that BBC pidgin exists and always laugh when i'm reminded that it does exist

2019-08-29 02:30:13 UTC  

i can't believe people spend money on this

2019-08-29 02:30:23 UTC  

how is this not horrendously racist?

2019-08-29 02:31:22 UTC  

It's ableist to not humor it, assuming this was presented by a high-tiered minority

2019-08-29 02:42:22 UTC  

it's only ableist if you think that the people who speak pidgin (most of which happen to be black) are incapable of learning proper english. is BBC saying that black people are too stupid to learn proper english?

2019-08-29 02:42:27 UTC  

a lot of people are asking...

2019-08-29 02:42:29 UTC  


2019-08-29 05:27:10 UTC  

@pokemon_fetish @Big Earth @<@588544138425925635>
1Ø U.S. Code§  246
Militia: composition and classes
The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b)The classes of the militia are—
the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

2019-08-29 05:34:29 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry I paid attention

2019-08-29 05:34:31 UTC  


2019-08-29 05:37:28 UTC  

Fucking spaces didn't paste correctly though...

Short-short version; A sheriff can call up his/her local populuos in *"time of local emergency"* as the *"local emergency services coordinator."*
Lesser duly appointed officials serve as the militia "sergeants" by supervising said milita (street closure barricade Manning for example)...
And the city of New York has a formal (*¡AND UNIFORMED!*) militia.

2019-08-29 05:48:16 UTC  

Perhaps the strangest irony is I've advocated for a return of the *"Classic Militia"* for a while (about 2 years), but I won't discuss that as a serious proposition until #MandatoryCarry passes.

2019-08-29 11:37:39 UTC  

Things like that always seemed like a weird niche to me.

2019-08-29 11:38:49 UTC  

I've always thought that if you were DIY enough to even know what a Raspberry Pi is, you wouldn't really need something like this because you could just make it yourself.

2019-08-29 11:39:21 UTC  

Then again, I guess the enclosure is really what you are paying for here, considering that it's the hardest part to make.

2019-08-29 13:02:41 UTC  

Gotta 3D print it yo