Message from @Big T

Discord ID: 643921682624544786

2019-11-12 20:59:48 UTC  

Despite being 2% of the population...

2019-11-12 21:08:23 UTC  

Is there a legal reason why the families shouldn't be able to file a civil suit against the companies?

2019-11-12 21:09:10 UTC  

Waste of the courts time and tax payer dollars

2019-11-12 21:09:19 UTC  

usually companies are exempt from being held liable for criminal use of their products

2019-11-12 21:09:26 UTC  

Why would a manufacturer be liable multiple steps down the line?

2019-11-12 21:10:01 UTC  

a knife manufacturer is not responsible for a person's criminal actions

2019-11-12 21:10:03 UTC  

Like Colt sells to people who sell to people who use gun. The people in the middle are held to standards for sales

2019-11-12 21:10:05 UTC  

@Beemann parents mad and sad?

2019-11-12 21:10:35 UTC  

even the ppl in the middle are not responsible if it was a lawful purchase.

2019-11-12 21:10:40 UTC  


2019-11-12 21:10:46 UTC  

But that's where the buck would go next

2019-11-12 21:10:49 UTC  

of course

2019-11-12 21:11:43 UTC  

some ppl use the example of drunk driving and trying to sue ford, but i prefer the knife company example.

2019-11-12 21:11:51 UTC  

You would have to have a basis for the company not having distributed to a state approved distributor, not having done background checks, those background checks being *valid in the first place* etc

2019-11-12 21:12:19 UTC  

Someone forcefed my friend fruit loops until he died. Lemme sue Kellogs

2019-11-12 21:12:43 UTC  

pretty much.

2019-11-12 21:13:11 UTC  

or suing stihl because the cartel chopped my friend into pieces with a chainsaw

2019-11-12 21:13:36 UTC  

I don't think you can legally sue the CIA

2019-11-12 21:13:58 UTC  

fine, insert random sicko with a chainsaw

2019-11-12 21:13:59 UTC  

My kid had a heart attack cuz I fed him big macs every day. Lemme sue that farmer

2019-11-12 21:14:52 UTC  

its such a clear attempt at shutting down gun manufacturers in a side step for gun control.

2019-11-12 21:15:03 UTC  


2019-11-12 21:31:17 UTC  

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to file a lawsuit. I just don't think it will get very far.

2019-11-12 21:33:32 UTC  

Well I think you can so long as you can get countersued for malicious use of the civil court system :^)

2019-11-12 21:33:52 UTC  

it should be thrown out with prejudice

2019-11-12 21:34:00 UTC  


2019-11-12 21:40:17 UTC  

Yeah, exactly

2019-11-12 21:40:39 UTC  

The threat of a countersuit is the check and balance against frivolous lawsuits

2019-11-12 21:56:20 UTC  

Can't say I disagree

2019-11-13 00:07:22 UTC  

TPUSA Tonight for anyone who wants it

2019-11-13 00:46:53 UTC  

^^ How is this satire.. lol

2019-11-13 00:48:31 UTC  

Do you want to join the voices yelling for people to "RUN!"

2019-11-13 00:50:03 UTC  

huh? I'm saying how she hears voices in her head... It's the truth. Shes crazy

2019-11-13 00:50:56 UTC  

My favorite comment was that the voices where her victims.

2019-11-13 00:51:53 UTC  

Probably true, Seth Rich is probably whispering it to her right now