Message from @FrostyCrits

Discord ID: 647230576662675458

2019-11-21 21:36:29 UTC  

I dont know what else it shows.

2019-11-21 21:36:34 UTC  

Schiff is a reptile man.

2019-11-21 21:40:13 UTC  

It is utterly mind boggling that after trump released the transcript of that call, we are still talking about investigating anyone other than Biden.

2019-11-21 21:41:04 UTC  

coup part 2: Electric boogaloo

2019-11-21 22:07:19 UTC  

Sweden No!

2019-11-21 22:31:16 UTC  

***Retreating Germans destroyed many of the records of these murders at the end of World War II as Soviet armies closed in on Berlin, and scholars have struggled to estimate death tolls.***

2019-11-21 22:31:32 UTC  

Well Susan I woudn't say they've struggled to estimate death tolls.

2019-11-21 22:56:09 UTC  

Raparations not petrol kids!

2019-11-22 00:23:14 UTC  

**Stay There**

2019-11-22 00:24:07 UTC  

Man who would have thought after three years of shilling continously for the Dems he would cry more.

2019-11-22 00:24:16 UTC  


2019-11-22 00:32:13 UTC  

I used to love the Colbert Report. Such a funny show. Somehow he completely forgot how to be funny once he moved to CBS

2019-11-22 00:51:17 UTC  

You know what really pisses me off though?

2019-11-22 00:51:24 UTC  

Ugh, this is like that stupid dixie chicks thing all over again. If you are so goddamned ashamed to call yourself an American, then stop fucking doing it.

2019-11-22 00:51:27 UTC  

You know what part of the Transcript they're talking about?

2019-11-22 00:51:34 UTC  


2019-11-22 00:52:05 UTC  

Because they aren't just hacks, they're corrupt schills. They're covering the Trump discussion about the Mueller report and him asking what Ukraine had to do with the Emails.

2019-11-22 00:52:13 UTC  

Don't believe me, here is the transcript.

2019-11-22 00:52:20 UTC  

***The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it, if that's possible.***

2019-11-22 00:53:21 UTC  

After YEARS of fucking Russia, the gall to backstab Trump over looking into this goddamn topic and maybe getting some answers.

2019-11-22 00:53:24 UTC  


2019-11-22 00:55:07 UTC  

That Ben Garrison cartoon about this is the most on point thing I think I've ever seen.

2019-11-22 01:42:46 UTC  

Lionel Shriver had a good take on those who feel "ashamed of america": `American liberals who have contempt for the United States and professed to feel better than the United States and ashamed of the United States they're not actually experiencing shame in fact a lot of white liberal guilt is not really guilt at all they don't feel bad they feel proud of themselves do you know what real shame feels like it's terrible you don't want to leave the house shame is crippling these people are are delighted with themselves and it's you know it's wearing a t-shirt and O or perhaps instead of a designer hair shirt right so one of the things that bothers me about this kind of faux self-hatred is is that it's it's anything but what it pretends to be it's lying it's hypocritical and it's it's pretending to be looking into the West's very soul and and worrying about all the evil that has been conducted in in our name but that's not really what's going on it's just a big game of one-upsmanship and quite frankly in the way that it's being used it is an insult to the real often wicked history of places like the United States and even the UK you're being used.`

2019-11-22 02:00:30 UTC  

oh thank god

2019-11-22 02:00:51 UTC  

I thought I was the only who wears shirts with my name printed on the sleeves

2019-11-22 02:18:28 UTC  

Despite there being only one period, that was most definitely not only one sentence.