Message from @Catboi

Discord ID: 648914742831874049

2019-11-26 15:39:35 UTC  

Talk about real things not fairy tales

2019-11-26 15:40:33 UTC  

Hey you that I don't like, you killed my invisible cat. oh ya, can ya prove it? This is war

2019-11-26 15:48:35 UTC  

Yeah let's talk about how condescending atheists are every single chance they get just like vegans

2019-11-26 15:49:21 UTC  

How do you know when someone's an atheist?
Don't worry, they'll tell you

2019-11-26 15:50:00 UTC  

I didn't tell anyone nor am I an atheist

2019-11-26 15:52:38 UTC  

Ok fedoralord.

2019-11-26 15:52:56 UTC  

"Talk about real things not fairy tales"

2019-11-26 15:53:08 UTC  

You guys just can't stop yourselves

2019-11-26 15:53:15 UTC  

How do you know when someone is Kevin Flanagan?

2019-11-26 15:53:33 UTC  

Posts shit all the time ?

2019-11-26 15:53:41 UTC  


2019-11-26 15:53:52 UTC  

Every chance you get it's to condescend to theists. It's like an addiction. "I'm an independent single neo-intellectual and don't need no god."

2019-11-26 15:54:12 UTC a room full of majority conservatives

2019-11-26 15:54:26 UTC  

tbh condescending to theists is easy because like most people they're retards

2019-11-26 15:54:33 UTC  

If you want to waste time talking about the easter bunny I'm not going to stop you

2019-11-26 15:54:37 UTC  

>TFW haven't read aquinas

2019-11-26 15:54:44 UTC  

>TFW don't understand contingency

2019-11-26 15:54:56 UTC  

>TFW thinks they can talk to snakes and take snake bites

2019-11-26 15:55:04 UTC  

Checkmate Atheists

2019-11-26 15:55:30 UTC  

I've only seen atheists be cunts online

2019-11-26 15:55:39 UTC  

I've had plenty of real life interactions with religious cunts

2019-11-26 15:55:46 UTC  

so, I'll give the atheists a pass

2019-11-26 15:55:54 UTC  

They don't come to my door telling me I need to embrace atheism

2019-11-26 15:56:36 UTC  

I'm only a cunt about other things online, typically

2019-11-26 15:56:37 UTC  

If you don't wanna hear from atheists you can just block them and not go to r/Atheims

2019-11-26 15:56:58 UTC  

Pull a shotgun on some fucks trying to tell you about jesus and suddenly you're the unstable one

2019-11-26 15:57:02 UTC  

fucking religious people

2019-11-26 15:57:03 UTC  

I tell ya

2019-11-26 15:57:43 UTC  

I feel like the Atheist shit getting posted all over ended like 15 years ago

2019-11-26 15:57:48 UTC  

you have to seek it out

2019-11-26 15:58:09 UTC  

if you're complaining about online atheists it's your own fault

2019-11-26 15:58:42 UTC  

I find theism interesting tbh. A lot of the theologians I ran into for a while were atheists and agnostics as well

2019-11-26 15:59:00 UTC  

I personally find the average atheist and the average Christian to be about equal in terms of their literacy of philosophy

2019-11-26 15:59:14 UTC  

@Beemann check out John Leslie Mackie the Miracle of Theism

2019-11-26 15:59:15 UTC  

Sure, that sounds about right

2019-11-26 16:00:29 UTC  

The only people who say it's bad are Chirstian fags that don't like how he says their favorite arguments are weak.

2019-11-26 16:00:31 UTC  

I'll have to put it after all the religious works on my list

2019-11-26 16:00:39 UTC  

That book is 5/5 in terms of scope and fairness

2019-11-26 16:00:44 UTC  


2019-11-26 16:01:00 UTC  

The bible has a lot of good in it, the teaching of morels everyone should adopt. But conversely Aesop's Fables has a lot of great stories everyone should live by but they didn't make a religion out of it