Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 656253943109910549

2019-12-16 17:30:42 UTC  

there should be dire consequences for false treason claims

2019-12-16 18:02:56 UTC  
2019-12-16 18:06:00 UTC  

The only Treasonous bastards in power are the ones curtailing 2A

2019-12-16 18:07:33 UTC  

What about the ones going after 1a, 4a or 10a?

2019-12-16 18:08:49 UTC  

I'd be willing to hear the argument that any government actor that violates the constitution could be considered a traitor

2019-12-16 18:52:12 UTC  

Technically subverting the Constitution isn't treason.

2019-12-16 18:52:30 UTC  

Now funding an enemy like Israel...

2019-12-16 19:08:06 UTC  

Oy vey, kevin

2019-12-16 19:44:30 UTC  

*“Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us [men],” the former president said. “I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything… living standards and outcomes.”*

2019-12-16 19:44:38 UTC  

what an absolute cuckbag

2019-12-16 19:48:10 UTC  

>New Zealand

2019-12-16 20:00:48 UTC  

So in the comments on that page someone also mentioned New Zealand. What's going on over there? I'm out of the loop on the kiwis

2019-12-16 20:01:36 UTC  

Gun grabblers would be an obvious start

2019-12-16 20:09:30 UTC  

Their countries are run by women, no wonder they're falling apart

2019-12-16 20:09:39 UTC  

But then again, so is Canada...

2019-12-16 20:36:55 UTC  

well, are we sure that trudeaux isn't one of these women?

2019-12-16 20:43:17 UTC  

@Avald that's the joke

2019-12-16 21:47:14 UTC  

I lose a little more faith in humanity every time I see some retard claim unironically that the okay sign is white supremacist.

2019-12-16 21:58:52 UTC  

There's more to humanity than democrats, lad

2019-12-16 22:59:29 UTC  

But for real tho...

2019-12-16 22:59:55 UTC  

The w/p is straight up white identitarian.

2019-12-16 23:11:33 UTC  

Every time there is a six gorillion joke

2019-12-16 23:14:10 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:14:17 UTC  

The leaf gets it.

2019-12-16 23:15:18 UTC  

You gave me a six months timeline to NatSoc a month ago

2019-12-16 23:32:30 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:32:38 UTC  

And I'm always right.

2019-12-16 23:47:37 UTC  
2019-12-17 01:03:39 UTC  

Someone should ice them all

2019-12-17 04:33:28 UTC  

For general emergency preparedness or boogaloo. . .
Best price I have seen yet at 207.20 USD as of posting
Make sure to have a supply of water and a water heating source to go with the kit

Makes easy camping food too

2019-12-17 04:36:46 UTC  

And if you use Amazon Smile and do not already have an organization you support. . .Gun Owners Foundation is a great choice!
Gun Owners Foundation
Location: Springfield, VA
Mission: Defend America's Unique Constitutional Right To Keep And Bear Arms, Through Education And Legal Assistance In Important Firearms Cases.

2019-12-17 19:06:59 UTC  

@Legalize in case you want a good article to help people get into some starter fountain pens