Message from @Clive

Discord ID: 614159529650683954

2019-08-22 18:00:04 UTC  

Sure, 600 miles of range was nice the *one time* I've driven that far, but electric cars can still satisfy most people for most driving situations

2019-08-22 18:04:23 UTC  

Exactly. Battery powered electric cars will dominate in the near future because they will ultimately be the cheapest form of personal transportation.

2019-08-22 18:04:50 UTC  

I couldn't do an electric car for my job

2019-08-22 18:04:55 UTC  

I still think that Fuel cells may ultimately power commercial planes too.

2019-08-22 18:05:10 UTC  

@Clive distance or load?

2019-08-22 18:05:33 UTC  

I drive around a lot to various place for clients, a lot of them are in the boonies

2019-08-22 18:06:05 UTC  

farms, nurseries, dispensaries

2019-08-22 18:06:33 UTC  

What is your average daily mileage ?

2019-08-22 18:07:31 UTC  
2019-08-22 18:08:57 UTC  

Minimum, 66 home-work-home
Max, that plus 100 miles

2019-08-22 18:09:04 UTC  

or more

2019-08-22 18:09:28 UTC  

Um. An electric car would definitely work for that.

2019-08-22 18:09:41 UTC  

my point is i have no where to charge it

2019-08-22 18:09:54 UTC  

Infrastructure is a huge issue for electric cars tbh

2019-08-22 18:09:54 UTC  

You’ll charge it at home.

2019-08-22 18:10:06 UTC  


2019-08-22 18:10:19 UTC  

Get a plug installed.

2019-08-22 18:10:26 UTC  


2019-08-22 18:10:34 UTC  

That’s how you would do it.

2019-08-22 18:10:39 UTC  

I'm gonna move sooner than that i hope

2019-08-22 18:10:42 UTC  

leave CA

2019-08-22 18:10:47 UTC  

That’s what I plan on doing.

2019-08-22 18:10:52 UTC  

also I rent

2019-08-22 18:11:38 UTC  

California has more electric infrastructure than any state.

2019-08-22 18:11:46 UTC  

not this part of CA

2019-08-22 18:11:55 UTC  

Also my new issue with electric cars is that I'd like one that's not full of bloatware

2019-08-22 18:12:11 UTC  

lots of weed and veggie farms, not a lot of electric car infrastruture

2019-08-22 18:12:48 UTC  

What’s bloatware

2019-08-22 18:13:04 UTC  

preinstalled apps that no one wants

2019-08-22 18:13:10 UTC  

Cars now have a non insignificant software component

2019-08-22 18:13:12 UTC  

like the fucking NFL app

2019-08-22 18:13:16 UTC  

Including preinstalled apps yeah

2019-08-22 18:13:32 UTC  

All the excess crap software that companies install on phones/computers

2019-08-22 18:13:59 UTC  

Oh. Why is that a problem for cars?

2019-08-22 18:14:47 UTC  

performance degradation also unauth backdoor access

2019-08-22 18:14:58 UTC  

if apps aren't updated properly

2019-08-22 18:15:07 UTC  

I shouldn't have to worry about software security on my car, and I don't need it

2019-08-22 18:15:15 UTC  

Oh. Ok

2019-08-22 18:15:26 UTC  

I'm not really aware of car bloatware, unless companies just shovel crap into Android Auto

2019-08-22 18:15:33 UTC  

"oh no! You SSL cert has expired on your car!"

2019-08-22 18:15:59 UTC  

But at this point it's like wanting a new phone with battery access *and* expandable memory