Message from @Knight from La Mancha
Discord ID: 507084399699820544
also easier to carry in a bag
i guess bluedio makes everything the same apart from exterior design
everything of theirs has the same layout
and every product has a english mistake
if it works don't change it
reinventing the wheel is how we get notches and removed headphone jacks
No original monks are left anywhere?
than must have been a while ago.
The improved monk plus model is probably better.
decent active noise cacellation headphones when
Chinks don't make them yet?
They don't do digital cameras either.
trn v80 or tin t2
>Buy chink shit knife
>thieve some bose headphones
you telling me to mug someone?
It's how I got my digital camera.
🙃 ⛏ ok, gimme all ur money
can we change Punished Knight"s name to Jamal
fucking hell
managed to get into exchange page but could not select the colour
by that time they were all gone
i dont like my 6xxs
you don't seem to like much
I'll buy it from you for $50
Yeah I can use another pair, I can give $40
why does massdrop still not have a warehouse in europe
They work closely with tax enforcement
no the hd6xx is good
im a pleb
y dont u like them
nah i have to give them time
amps a must
Just buy T2
no need for others
Has anybody here tried the BGVP DMG