Message from @us_o_w/e

Discord ID: 650130943801032732

2019-11-28 03:57:12 UTC  

Fountain pens will be required property for every citizen in the new Reich @Legalize

2019-11-28 03:59:30 UTC  

@Legalize is Conklin any good

2019-11-28 14:53:33 UTC  

Still claiming Ben is unpopular
While promoting the most unpopular ideology in the world

2019-11-28 14:57:59 UTC  

Yeah hes not unpopluar. Part of that popularity is having the establishment back you up with money instead of a grassroots movement but the popularity is there

2019-11-28 15:47:30 UTC  

Whether you want to say he's popular for bad reasons, that's fine
But to say no one likes him is asinine
Especially when the dude is making tons of money
And has the top conservative podcast in the country
Hard case to make those are all trolls watching his show ironically lol

2019-11-28 18:27:29 UTC  

(((conservative))) podcast

2019-11-28 20:00:29 UTC  

shapiro is the show of normie conservatives

2019-11-28 22:24:39 UTC  

(((normie conservatives)))

2019-11-28 23:32:49 UTC  

Anyone I don't like is a fake conservative

2019-11-28 23:59:56 UTC  

Especially that Karl Marx fellow

2019-11-29 00:03:56 UTC  

Was he ever married... Was probably waiting for the government to send him a wife

2019-11-29 00:13:46 UTC  

He was. Abused then abandoned his family. I think one his kids literally starved to death. Prescient

2019-11-29 01:26:19 UTC  

Are we talking about Karl Marx or Ben Shapiro now?

2019-11-29 01:27:28 UTC  

Karl Marx would get money from people while he was on the verge of poverty and throw huge parties so people thought he was still rich.

2019-11-29 01:28:11 UTC  

Story is his mother gave him a lockbox with a bunch of gold in it for his wedding and at his wedding he had it out for guests to take a wedding gift.

2019-11-29 01:28:33 UTC  

Extra money he was supposed to have saved for a rainy day from his parents wasn't there. LUL

2019-11-29 01:37:47 UTC  

Sounds kinda like an even less responsible Bernie Sanders.

2019-11-29 01:44:19 UTC  

Engels would give him cash all the time, along with anyone else he could get money from.

2019-11-29 23:18:59 UTC  

"error does not have the same right as truth to be propagated. Error has no rights by nature, just as we have no right by nature to sin. God has not given man liberty in order to carry out moral evil (sin) or intellectual evil (error).
The more we live in accord with God's will, with the truth, the freer we are."

2019-11-29 23:19:15 UTC  

Religious Liberty is not a Moral good

2019-11-30 00:28:15 UTC  

That is why Catholic Italy became such a moral country, and America such an immoral one.

2019-11-30 00:28:19 UTC  

Oh wait.

2019-11-30 00:28:23 UTC  


2019-11-30 00:31:33 UTC  

Lol. Are you honestly arguing Weimerica is moral...?

2019-11-30 00:31:44 UTC  

Better than Europe.

2019-11-30 00:32:07 UTC  

Have you been to a Catholic Church lately? Central administration stagnates religion.

2019-11-30 00:32:32 UTC  

Check that shit out if you want to throw up.

2019-11-30 00:32:40 UTC  

In a Catholic Church. Gay Ballet.

2019-11-30 00:34:26 UTC  

No rebuttals?

2019-11-30 00:35:34 UTC  

Dont set a time limit on responses my dude. Especially not on a Friday evening

2019-11-30 00:58:18 UTC  

@us_o_w/e actually Italy is more moral and has better cultural unity then America. Also, the papal states were great til Musso took them away

2019-11-30 00:59:51 UTC  

No it doesn't.

2019-11-30 01:00:01 UTC  

The country is run by the effing mafia.

2019-11-30 01:00:32 UTC  

The Pope had to beg mafia run waste disposal companies to stop dumping cancer causing chemicals directly into their rivers.

2019-11-30 01:01:33 UTC  

Literally 10% of their GDP is crimes.

2019-11-30 01:01:34 UTC  

In 2009, organized crime in Italy generated $189 billion in revenue.

2019-11-30 01:02:48 UTC  

What sort of country is that?

2019-11-30 01:07:18 UTC  

ok to be fair tho its also not very Catholic anymore

2019-11-30 01:08:20 UTC  

Poland is doing great

2019-11-30 01:08:28 UTC  

infact I'd move to Poland