Message from @us_o_w/e

Discord ID: 650142145746829313

2019-11-30 00:31:44 UTC  

Better than Europe.

2019-11-30 00:32:07 UTC  

Have you been to a Catholic Church lately? Central administration stagnates religion.

2019-11-30 00:32:32 UTC  

Check that shit out if you want to throw up.

2019-11-30 00:32:40 UTC  

In a Catholic Church. Gay Ballet.

2019-11-30 00:34:26 UTC  

No rebuttals?

2019-11-30 00:35:34 UTC  

Dont set a time limit on responses my dude. Especially not on a Friday evening

2019-11-30 00:58:18 UTC  

@us_o_w/e actually Italy is more moral and has better cultural unity then America. Also, the papal states were great til Musso took them away

2019-11-30 00:59:51 UTC  

No it doesn't.

2019-11-30 01:00:01 UTC  

The country is run by the effing mafia.

2019-11-30 01:00:32 UTC  

The Pope had to beg mafia run waste disposal companies to stop dumping cancer causing chemicals directly into their rivers.

2019-11-30 01:01:33 UTC  

Literally 10% of their GDP is crimes.

2019-11-30 01:01:34 UTC  

In 2009, organized crime in Italy generated $189 billion in revenue.

2019-11-30 01:02:48 UTC  

What sort of country is that?

2019-11-30 01:07:18 UTC  

ok to be fair tho its also not very Catholic anymore

2019-11-30 01:08:20 UTC  

Poland is doing great

2019-11-30 01:08:28 UTC  

infact I'd move to Poland

2019-11-30 01:09:24 UTC  

Israel definitely doesn't have equal religious footing and tho I disagree with which religion they are pushing I think you'd be hard pressed to say they aren't succesfully creating cultural homogentity

2019-11-30 01:12:34 UTC  

Have you ever been to Israel?

2019-11-30 01:12:35 UTC  

I have.

2019-11-30 01:12:46 UTC  

It is hardly homogenious.

2019-11-30 01:13:30 UTC  

Israel also has Moloch on their side...

2019-11-30 01:13:44 UTC  

Oh please.

2019-11-30 01:14:07 UTC  

Though I will say the Birthright rally resembled a neo nazi fever dream.

2019-11-30 01:17:03 UTC  

Almost like NatSocs are right...

2019-11-30 01:17:17 UTC  

If Israel actually ran the world they wouldn't be squatting in air raid shelters trying to keep arabs from hitting them with rockets all of the damn time.

2019-11-30 01:17:32 UTC  

They would have carte blanche to wipe them off the map.

2019-11-30 01:18:24 UTC  

Do you wanna build a strawman?

2019-11-30 01:18:42 UTC  

What's Moloch then?

2019-11-30 01:19:38 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist is Kevin Flanagan

2019-11-30 01:19:47 UTC  

good luck you're gonna need it

2019-11-30 01:20:22 UTC  

Moloch is the demon Jews worship.

2019-11-30 01:20:31 UTC  


2019-11-30 01:20:43 UTC  

Source *was raised Jew*

2019-11-30 01:20:53 UTC  

Never once worshipped moloch.

2019-11-30 01:21:01 UTC  

Pretty sure I would remember that.

2019-11-30 01:21:13 UTC  

Which has nothing to do with your mischaracterization of the National Socialist position on the Jewish Question.

2019-11-30 01:21:34 UTC  


2019-11-30 01:21:47 UTC  

Which I did where?

2019-11-30 01:22:00 UTC  

How about we have a German Question?

2019-11-30 01:22:10 UTC  

I said you straw manned my position, and you asked who Moloch is.