Message from @at0m

Discord ID: 308712491712512001

2017-05-01 14:33:32 UTC  

actually, I think Tim Horton's is owned by Wendy's...

2017-05-01 20:57:30 UTC  


2017-05-01 20:58:17 UTC  

BK and popeye are both owned by the same group as Timmy Ho's

2017-05-01 20:58:24 UTC  

ah ok

2017-05-01 21:05:53 UTC  

if my google fu is correct that is

2017-05-01 21:06:09 UTC  

no your right

2017-05-01 21:06:19 UTC  

im a black belt in google fu

2017-05-01 21:06:39 UTC  

people feel safer when I walk them to their car at night

2017-05-01 21:07:04 UTC  

I was going off trying to remember previous research I did for a class

2017-05-01 21:07:35 UTC  

ah fair enough

2017-05-01 21:08:18 UTC  

oh wait, wendy's used to own a lot of shres in Tim Hortons

2017-05-01 21:08:26 UTC  

thats what I remember

2017-05-01 21:08:37 UTC  

but then wendy's sold their shares

2017-05-01 21:09:02 UTC  

or somethign like that

2017-05-01 21:10:02 UTC  

makes sense

2017-05-01 21:10:22 UTC  

Im just happy people like wendy's now

2017-05-01 21:10:35 UTC  

They are legit my fave from childhood

2017-05-01 21:10:58 UTC  

if five guys or in-n-out are unvailable Wendy's is my go to

2017-05-01 21:11:05 UTC  

I eat at Wendy's pretty much every time I have to eat out

2017-05-01 21:11:58 UTC  

everywhere else is either more expensive, doesn't taste great, or clogs my aterties just eating their food

2017-05-01 21:13:13 UTC  

I do go to nice/middle of the road places sometimes though

2017-05-01 21:13:25 UTC  

its pretty rare though

2017-05-01 21:13:41 UTC  

I usually just use my slowcooker

2017-05-01 21:14:15 UTC  

A big thing for me is how easy it is to drive into and out of a restaurant

2017-05-01 21:14:33 UTC  

and Wendy's around here are very easy to get in and out of

2017-05-01 21:15:23 UTC  

90% of the time i take the bus but if Im going out with friends accessabilty is key

2017-05-01 21:15:32 UTC  

And five guys is downtown

2017-05-01 21:15:38 UTC  

and parking fucking sucks

2017-05-01 21:15:42 UTC  

man I love five guys

2017-05-01 21:16:00 UTC  

Their fries are better than In-n-Out

2017-05-01 21:16:02 UTC  

so many fries!

2017-05-01 21:16:08 UTC  

haha yeah!

2017-05-01 21:16:25 UTC  

but In-n-Out has the burgers and shakes

2017-05-01 21:16:35 UTC  

actually I don't know if there even is an IN-n-Out around here

2017-05-01 21:16:44 UTC  

Its mainly west coast

2017-05-01 21:16:58 UTC  

They might be in TX now

2017-05-01 21:17:24 UTC  

theres none even in my state

2017-05-01 21:17:26 UTC  


2017-05-01 21:17:59 UTC  

MN has white castle

2017-05-01 21:18:01 UTC  
