Message from @e-102r?
Discord ID: 314524993448968193
My condolences.
condolences not needed, we try not to lose any :p
To be fair, i drink piss water beer.
wter beer is all we have, but its beer nonetheless
Then we share that from across the pond. Good luck, until next time.
good luck to you and europe as well. keep the faith and remember where yall came fro0m
k, going to have to remic, this one sucks
Who's ready for WW3???
i'm not
I still need to save up for my survival kit
though I probs won't need it
I've done alot of survival training when I was in the Scouts
I need help to understand one thing...
How is going to be a free speech platform if it is to be publicly traded?
Also... Feel that irony?
Is anybody here?
Not really, at least not yet. Show is still a few hours off
Do you think WW3 will happen?
Good. I'm personally hyped for WW3.
Can't wait for it to finally start.
See as much as I may joke about it, I really don't want another world war. War is never easy for the citizenry and we have nukes now, I'd rather not have those dropping all over the place.
I do. God, I want this sick sad world to end.
It's something I've been obsessed with ever since Trump bombed Syria. It was great.
Sure the world sucks but life is still a good thing. Go outside look at the plants, how they grow so differently from one another. Get a puppy watch it grow, life is good
Why'd I lvl up I don't wanna lvl up
You leveled up for being so sweet,
Thanks for the best wishes, but I've taken the nihilist route. This world is going down and I'm going to watch as it crumbles apart.
maybe because of chatting, and hello. Sometimes it feels like the world is at war...just without the military. People are obsessed with hating one another for the smallest slights
Well... that's not enough for me, tbh
Im sure you arent alone...but Sel is right there are plenty of reasons to not want it all to burn
With the cesspool that is politics we do often forget that there is a big world out there filled with beautiful things, and we do at times need to literally stop and smell the roses (although any flower will do)
You guys are too good for this world.
I hope you don't die.