Message from @TaDioSa

Discord ID: 357336854124560389

2017-09-13 01:22:14 UTC  

He tried because there were some viewers saying he should debate more

2017-09-13 01:22:31 UTC  

Well if it were me, I would just tell them no.

2017-09-13 01:22:47 UTC  

It's obviously Matt doesn't get any enjoyment from it and he was clearly struggling to keep his cool

2017-09-13 01:23:01 UTC  

He has more patience for these people than me, that's for certain.

2017-09-13 01:23:21 UTC  

I would have cut the stream off after the first 15 minutes since all Niko was doing was just accusing him of being racist over and over again.

2017-09-13 01:23:24 UTC  

he was struggling near the end. I can't say I blame him

2017-09-13 01:23:53 UTC  

I would have flipped out in that debate, told Niko to fuck off, and just the cut the stream short.

2017-09-13 01:23:58 UTC  

I have no patience for these idiots.

2017-09-13 01:24:00 UTC  

i would have cut the stream too. or muted him so he could have talked

2017-09-13 01:24:16 UTC  

Nike just LITERALLY knew everything ... oi

2017-09-13 01:24:42 UTC  

i could have played a drinking game for how many times he said that word

2017-09-13 01:24:49 UTC  

and been pissed drunk

2017-09-13 01:25:48 UTC  

And he called him deluded and an idiot for denying that structural racism exists. His arguments were just sophistry and it would have made me blow my fucking brains out if I had to deal with it for an hour.

2017-09-13 01:25:59 UTC  

Honestly Matt should just stop these. It's not fun to watch in all honesty.

2017-09-13 01:26:33 UTC  

They're just aggravating. I actually to started to get angry during the stream and bailed early.

2017-09-13 01:28:01 UTC  

they are aggravating. The guy couldn't make any logical conclusions and it seemed like he had severe ADHD (or what I imagine what that would look like) and was bairly coherant most of the time

2017-09-13 01:28:20 UTC  

I wouldn't say ADHD. He seemed almost mentally unhinged.

2017-09-13 01:28:21 UTC  

🆙 | **historyman101 leveled up!**

2017-09-13 01:28:44 UTC  


2017-09-13 01:28:58 UTC  

and every fucking SJW I've ever encountered does this same shit

2017-09-13 01:29:05 UTC  

I do like that Matt tries. He's at least open to these debates even though they are crappy. I watched one with vegangains once and it was worse than this one

2017-09-13 01:29:32 UTC  

They try to overwhelm you with their verbal diarrhea until you can't follow their line of argument anymore.

2017-09-13 01:30:17 UTC  

that's exactly it. their debate tactic isn't even an actual debate tactic. you said it it's verbal diarrhea

2017-09-13 01:30:47 UTC  

I think for a moment Niko was just foaming at the mouth, looking for a reason to cuss him out and just browbeat Matt into submission

2017-09-13 01:31:00 UTC  

You could tell he was looking for an avenue to humiliate him.

2017-09-13 01:31:35 UTC  

i agree. he couldn't even keep to what the debate was supposed to be about. he kept going off on tangents over topics that weren't applicable

2017-09-13 01:32:15 UTC  

As I said, if I were Matt, I'd just put my foot down and not do debates ever after this. Past experiences have proven they cannot be reasoned with. They don't want to hear the other side. They just want to destroy us.

2017-09-13 01:32:33 UTC  

So I say, why bother even giving them a platform if they are not interested in listening?

2017-09-13 01:32:38 UTC  

yes. assimilate or die

2017-09-13 01:32:41 UTC  

Let's just focus on defeating them.

2017-09-13 01:33:12 UTC  

no i mean that's how they think we should be. we should assimilate

2017-09-13 01:34:53 UTC  

As much as I hate to admit it, we've passed the tipping point with these idiots. It's no longer a matter of debating them, because we have shown over and over again that their ideas are empty, bigoted and not rooted in reality. And they don't want to debate either.

2017-09-13 01:34:56 UTC  

It's us or them at this point.

2017-09-13 01:35:03 UTC  

So I say, defeat them.

2017-09-13 01:35:07 UTC  

Smash them into the ground.

2017-09-13 01:35:38 UTC  

On every possible front, be it academic, political, cultural, social.

2017-09-13 01:35:50 UTC  

i think they will peter out eventually. you can only keep this heightened level of intesity up for so long before you crash and burn

2017-09-13 01:36:01 UTC  

That's what I hope for.

2017-09-13 01:36:19 UTC  

I agree. we need to take back all those things

2017-09-13 01:36:34 UTC  

i'd home school my kids but unfortunately i gotta freaken work

2017-09-13 01:36:47 UTC  

If anything, the fact that they lose subscribers and have a tiny audience on Youtube compared to the "skeptic community" is proof enough they are losing the culture war.