Message from @J Edgar

Discord ID: 490962901658763284

2018-09-16 15:48:42 UTC  

I hope it fizzles out. Lol

2018-09-16 15:49:38 UTC  

Keep in mind that everything I just said up there, about the steps to impeachment, is well known by political scholars on the left as well

2018-09-16 15:49:52 UTC  

the lay people don't know it, but most scholars do

2018-09-16 15:50:31 UTC  

and the Progressives are going to the voting booth believing that their very lives depend on getting Trump out of office, even though they don't quite know why

2018-09-16 15:51:18 UTC  

I think you see turnout for this election that rivals 2016, and election fraud on an unprecedented scale

2018-09-16 17:04:01 UTC  

RBG is going to cling on til death. Kavanagh will still be an election issue for the left regardless of whether he's confirmed before the midterms. The left will believe they can remove or something.

2018-09-16 17:04:14 UTC  

Does election fraud even happen? I’ve always heard that it rarely ever happens.

2018-09-16 17:07:40 UTC  

I always had the feeling no one was looking very hard. third parties can't verify because they aren't allowed access to voting info (for good reason). Only the FBI can investigate. In cases where you hear about stacks of absentee ballots being "accidently" delivered somewhere, there are no follow ups and considered isolated. Also we never get to hear about who dead people voted for when they find a dead person voted (who are they protecting at that point).

2018-09-16 17:11:22 UTC  

I guess so. I’ve always thought that claim was a bit fishy anyways. How do you know if fraud has been committed if you don’t have a way to check the identity of the voter? Also, I wonder if some people do door to door campaigning after ballots have been mailed out in states that do that.

2018-09-16 17:23:59 UTC  

On a state level there is a political fight over purging voter rolls. One side wants the rolls checked more often for dead people, and for people who haven't voted in a long time (like a decade) to be taken off. The reason being to keep dead people from being used, and to remove people who have moved (the state doesn't know when you move). The other side claims too many people get accidently removed and some people just don't vote for a while and will be surprised when they come back to vote and aren't registered. I personally find it very suspicious that one political party is always in favor of the policy that makes fraud easier. Not to mention I am not bothered by processes and policies that make it harder for shallow and less engaged citizens to not vote (e.g. no same day registration, voter id, auto- purging dead people from rolls)

2018-09-16 17:25:29 UTC  

Also not a fan of absentee ballots. I feel that person should have to at least pick those up in person or something (my exception would be military deployment).

2018-09-16 17:25:38 UTC  

But you can same day register in most places

2018-09-16 17:26:51 UTC  

I always wondered when you have same day registration do they require any kind of id?

2018-09-16 17:52:29 UTC  

Yeah. It’s a difficult issue. On one hand, I don’t want people to be unnecessarily kicked out of the system, but I understand how fraud could be made easier.

2018-09-16 17:57:53 UTC  

In Wisconsin we have same day registration and voter ID

2018-09-16 17:59:34 UTC  

But before Voter ID, you just walked into a polling place with a piece of mail that had your name on it. I see the problem with that because in 04, I was legally getting mail in 3 places in three districts

2018-09-16 18:00:38 UTC  

In 06, at election time, I was getting mail at three addresses in 3 districts in 2 different states

2018-09-16 18:36:02 UTC  

Were you getting voting stuff at all three locations?

2018-09-16 18:50:26 UTC  

I moved states, and the previous state I lived in still sends me stuff about voting. I could vote at both addresses, and if someone new that they could easily vote using my name through absentee without ever showing any id.

2018-09-16 19:09:52 UTC  

I wasn't getting voting stuff. I did it legally and only voted at my aunt's house. But I could have done so at my parent's house and my campus and no one would have questioned it

2018-09-16 19:11:17 UTC  

My old apartment in Kenosha is vacant, without voter ID, some union guy would probably be voting from there

2018-09-16 19:11:33 UTC  

you know that's why they send people around to remind them to vote

2018-09-16 19:14:35 UTC  

I'm actually completely ok with same day registration as long as Voter ID is in place.

2018-09-16 19:19:15 UTC  

thanks @Salacious Swanky Cat and @grant . I think you gentlemen made my Sunday Video for me

2018-09-16 19:31:05 UTC  


2018-09-16 19:54:50 UTC  

well, prepare for an apathetic Matt Christiansen tonight

2018-09-16 19:55:38 UTC  

Why is that @J Edgar?

2018-09-16 19:56:46 UTC  

I don't know how far the delay is for NFL mobile, so no spoilers, but where I'm at in the game, the Vikings are going to be hard pressed to win. Still doable, so no spoilers, but hard pressed for sure

2018-09-16 19:58:01 UTC  

I'm not big on NFL but my family watches college football so I'm aware of it as a consequence

2018-09-16 19:58:28 UTC  

I know that LSU beat Auburn by a cunt hair last night

2018-09-16 19:58:43 UTC  

I missed that. I was passed the F out

2018-09-16 19:59:14 UTC  

I don't even know how the Badgers did, and I work 6 miles away from Camp Randall

2018-09-16 20:51:39 UTC  

@Ragglefraggle07 are you a southerner?

2018-09-16 21:17:49 UTC  

My god, I've missed so much I wanted to comment on.

2018-09-16 21:18:01 UTC  

just do it all at once

2018-09-16 21:20:08 UTC  

But yeah, there is no way that RBG leaves the court with a pulse. Cory Booker may want to try and make a retard martyr of himself to try and build a case for the presidential election that he is so goddamned thirsty for, but she sees herself as holding the line.

2018-09-16 21:22:06 UTC  

And as far as voter registration goes, I would much prefer that it be nowhere near as automatic as it is, even if it means that someone as lazy as I am might not get to vote because of not staying on top of it.

2018-09-16 21:35:08 UTC  


2018-09-16 21:35:28 UTC  

Forbes, taking what is obviously a SJW fueled crazy decision by disney

2018-09-16 21:36:04 UTC  

and just spinning it like this is something.... i have no words