Message from @cr4ck3r
Discord ID: 275057683458162689
Its alright I reckon
an IRL friend took the redpill and wanted to get into activism
then that torture incident in chicago happened
and I guess that's what inspire me to come out of hiatus
among other things
those two are the straw that broke the camels back
It was once said to me, "When you're red pilled, you can't un-red pill, you'll be back"
When did you even leave? God, it's been such a long time. Before I got involved in IRL activism for sure.
2013 ish
If you would have told me back then about the rise of the alt right, trump the chicago incident, the collapse of "rape culture" and all that shit I would not have believed you
I was semi-pilled when I joined IM, but I took redpill so hardcore IRL I had to do something. Just had to.
Best decision I ever made.
but I dont really think anyone seen 2016-now being as crazy as it turned out to be
Yeah, fucking amen.
thats when it hit me
"oh shit, things are actually habbening"
Couldn't have imagined myself back in 2013 in here.
I had the honor of carrying a flag of the movement
And the Finnish independence days have been fucking wild. Just, yeah, you put it pretty well, couldn't have imagined.
When I started joining them, they had 200 people, a month ago 3000.
I'm still not entirely convinced I'm not in drug induced coma.
And imagining this all.
Is Casen in this chat?
Last year the cops shot like 100 communists with riot guns and dragged them into jail while we brawled and chanted hahaha, antifa!
I mean, fuck cops, but how can you not love that?
Nords are slow to anger, but step back when you do.
By gigantic coincidence, I happened to chant HAHAH, ANTIFA right next to the same guy in Stockholm as in Helsinki the last year.
Yeah Parrott. Väinö Linna wrote about his civil war experience and put it a bit like Kipling: "Finnish wrath is like the eye of the swamp, black, cold, deep and murky."
You'll love this
the last 5 minutes from 2015 independence day
I g2g I will talk to yall later
So much kvetching from the kikes
Btw @cr4ck3r Casen has his own room you could steal people from, been invited to it like 5 times.