Message from @wolfman1911

Discord ID: 606304635858190357

2019-08-01 01:54:48 UTC  

wait for the CNN steam window????

2019-08-01 01:55:02 UTC  

some sperg must have reported them

2019-08-01 01:55:15 UTC  

for fucks sake

2019-08-01 01:55:21 UTC  

he has to challenge it but as of now he cannot stream on youtube for 90 or 30 days

2019-08-01 01:55:35 UTC  

It seems like youtube has been pretty jackbooted about people playing the stream of the debates while they do whatever.

2019-08-01 01:55:42 UTC  

Pitchforks in front of a certain HQ for assaulting my safe space

2019-08-01 01:56:01 UTC  

Ah, was wondering what happened. Glad to see we're all ready to storm YouTube

2019-08-01 01:56:03 UTC  

Strikes are violence

2019-08-01 01:56:09 UTC  

good thing d live exists

2019-08-01 01:56:17 UTC  

dude this is horse shit

2019-08-01 01:56:30 UTC  

I think matt said he was listening in for like 30 seconds, that must have killed the stream

2019-08-01 01:56:36 UTC  

I know I joked before but did the show cut out during my call? I really hope it's because of the CNN feed. If I said something that cause @Matt Christiansen issues I'm gonna feel really bad! 😦

2019-08-01 01:56:59 UTC  

he should upload a video on the channel on Sunday just telling everyone to go to DLive to watch it

2019-08-01 01:57:07 UTC  

its the cnn thing

2019-08-01 01:57:07 UTC  

I don't hear anything bad @Dangerous Spaces

2019-08-01 01:57:13 UTC  

Its probably the cnn feed

2019-08-01 01:57:14 UTC  


2019-08-01 01:57:20 UTC  

too dangerous spaces this time

2019-08-01 01:57:28 UTC  

you are Australian, right @Dangerous Spaces?

2019-08-01 01:57:30 UTC  

bloody cnn

2019-08-01 01:58:09 UTC  

I'm not good at matching names to voices, but the call that was going on when it got struck was an Australian.

2019-08-01 01:59:21 UTC  

@WraithShepherd YOU didn't hear anything bad. But you are not our Lord and Saviour Susan Wicki-Wicki!

2019-08-01 01:59:39 UTC  


2019-08-01 01:59:40 UTC  

in case something goes wrong with dlive he should have other places as a backup

2019-08-01 02:00:01 UTC  

Susan hates australians, there will be no more australians on youtube

2019-08-01 02:00:20 UTC  

@Dangerous Spaces it was your thought crimes that did it. YT knows 👀

2019-08-01 02:00:33 UTC  

did the youtube stream end for anyone else?

2019-08-01 02:00:42 UTC  

@wolfman1911 Yes I'm Aussie. Are you implying my accent offended someone at Youtube? Maybe Matt can appeal that they were being OzPhobic!

2019-08-01 02:00:46 UTC  
2019-08-01 02:00:46 UTC  


2019-08-01 02:00:57 UTC  

join dlive, join the masterrace

2019-08-01 02:01:06 UTC  

he said the R word u'nkow R*cist

2019-08-01 02:01:12 UTC  


2019-08-01 02:01:36 UTC  

Dlive is lagging for me.

2019-08-01 02:01:38 UTC  

he questioned, is orange man bad??

2019-08-01 02:01:48 UTC  

cant have that

2019-08-01 02:01:59 UTC  

Looking like a strike against Matt's channel . . . And Blonde wasn't even reading a Kevin Flannagin super chat xD

2019-08-01 02:02:24 UTC  

kevin will be disappointed

2019-08-01 02:02:26 UTC  

Wait, wut.

2019-08-01 02:02:26 UTC  

money to planned parenthood