Message from @FitnessByHeatherHeyer

Discord ID: 621078580578877440

2019-09-10 15:26:17 UTC  


2019-09-10 17:18:16 UTC  

So 2024 what's our sides name going to be?

2019-09-10 17:19:10 UTC  

We'll be on the short end of some dystopian type government and if we all start lifting now we can be the Swoleverines

2019-09-10 17:38:03 UTC  

The Schmolverines..

2019-09-10 17:40:09 UTC  


2019-09-10 17:40:50 UTC  


2019-09-10 17:42:11 UTC  

Are you related to soph

2019-09-10 17:42:24 UTC  

I was wondering the exact same thing </sarcasm>

2019-09-10 17:42:52 UTC  

I wonder if soph is actually a 36 year old with a growth disorder

2019-09-10 17:44:23 UTC  

Me? No. Not at all. Lol

2019-09-10 18:55:40 UTC  

Wait, am I soph? No, no I mustn’t be.

2019-09-10 18:58:28 UTC  

Bye Bolton! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

2019-09-10 19:02:05 UTC  

This does beg the question why Trump hired him in the first place. Was it just to fire him eventually?

2019-09-10 19:04:36 UTC  

I think Trump liked him in the beginning, but Bolton wanted to create more never-ending wars. I think Trump realized Bolton was not right for the message Trump wants to deliver. But this is just speculation.

2019-09-10 19:06:05 UTC  

Same with China, when Trump was running he bragged how he loved China. Don't think he loves them anymore

2019-09-10 19:59:37 UTC  

People need to start waking up to what a threat China is going to be in 5 to 10 years if it's not stopped right now.

2019-09-10 20:11:20 UTC  

People need to start waking up to what a threat ~~The Jews~~ China is going to be in 5 to 10 years if it's not stopped right now.

2019-09-10 20:14:42 UTC  

Can you fill me in on what you mean?

2019-09-10 20:15:04 UTC  

I know that China is a huge economic competitor to the U.S., but in what other way are they a threat?

2019-09-10 20:15:35 UTC  

I'm no good on that, I'm not sure who on here is.

2019-09-10 20:24:32 UTC  

South China Sea, spratly Islands. Concentrate of industrial, technological and Military Espionage in the United States. Doing everything they can to subvert our industry while we feed them and endless flow of cash in the amount of trillions every year. Going into Africa. Buying up land in Central America and gaining influence there. None of it is good unless we stop them now.

2019-09-10 20:29:35 UTC  

they are basically taking over the world, everywhere they can, they give no shit about their own rural regions, so all that money is flowing out to buy up influence elsewhere, to make a ton of countries directly reliant on china money, china companies, china everything

2019-09-10 20:30:09 UTC  

i wouldn't be surprised if they annexed someone that way soon

2019-09-10 20:33:30 UTC  

i have spoken to central asians that have told me that China is always trying to gain more of a foothold in their area and trying to swallow up the culture of the people already living in those countries

2019-09-10 20:33:56 UTC  

trying to consume various asian identities and unite them under a banner of chinese nationalism as it were

2019-09-10 20:34:04 UTC  

China also owns about 40% of all Bitcoin ledgers
this article says 40-70 % but I've only seen the 40 number substantiated

2019-09-10 20:34:04 UTC  

If we were smart we would Deport every single ethnic Chinese in this country immediately. From college professor down to restaurant owner.

2019-09-10 20:34:36 UTC  

There's a great interview with Steve Bannon talking about the Chinese threat, it's just insane how much shit the clintons let them get away with

2019-09-10 20:34:54 UTC  

Never mind our greatest Ally, Israel, selling u.s. technology to the Chinese that was given to them.

2019-09-10 20:36:31 UTC  

well, the major problem that Euro-Americans have with Chinese people is simply that they are more intelligent and successful than the whites in their own countries

2019-09-10 20:36:53 UTC  

deporting them would simply rip a chunk of economic capability out of the American economy

2019-09-10 20:37:20 UTC  

Asians contribute too much to American economy to simply eviscerate them from our country

2019-09-10 20:50:10 UTC  

That's fine. I don't care. I'm about over losing a little bit of the GDP in order to remain a homogeneous country.

2019-09-10 20:50:41 UTC  

Lose little GDP and get rid of all of the spies and stop the endless funding of our number one nation state enemy? I'm totally okay with this. If we brought manufacturing back from China that money would be folded back into the economy 100-fold anyways.

2019-09-10 20:52:19 UTC  

so over 40% of children in this country are born as bastards and you are worried about Chinese citizens for some reason

2019-09-10 20:53:03 UTC  

it just seems like your priorities are shifted sideways towards non-issues instead of repairing the depravity of basically any other ethnic group in America

2019-09-10 20:53:49 UTC  

maybe having less criminals and divorce would also be of import to our economy

2019-09-10 20:55:07 UTC  

that will only happen with cultural/religious change of their hearts and minds

2019-09-10 20:56:10 UTC  

Actually it seems you don't see the long-term effects of having the Chinese in our country sucking the lifeblood out of it on top of these other social issues. Also that 40% number, I would like to see some statistics.

2019-09-10 20:56:26 UTC  

If you get rid of the blacks from that statistic I'd like to see it as well

2019-09-10 20:56:44 UTC  

vngxl is referring to blacks I believe