Message from @Mikematic

Discord ID: 622315514055884800

2019-09-14 06:07:10 UTC  

Between the Stalker games, the book they are based on, Mutant Year Zero and probably some other stuff, any time there is a scifi setting that revolves around an area of alienness of some kind, I'm calling it the Zone, I don't care what it's actually called.

2019-09-14 06:07:52 UTC  

They might've referred to it as that in the movie, it sounded like it fit to me.

2019-09-14 06:08:03 UTC  

That said, if anyone wants a good book to read, I highly recommend Roadside Picnic. Maybe don't read it with sharp objects around though, because it's depressing as fuck.

2019-09-14 06:08:41 UTC  

It wasn't even that type of movie doe.

2019-09-14 06:08:45 UTC  

That was the surprising part.

2019-09-14 06:09:12 UTC  

I've heard intersting things about a scene or two involving a bear.

2019-09-14 06:09:30 UTC  

Yeah that bear scene was pretty fucking good.

2019-09-14 06:09:47 UTC  

You could probably look it up on YT, it doesn't really spoil any other part of the movie.

2019-09-14 06:10:02 UTC  

Oh I've already had the plot spoiled for me.

2019-09-14 06:10:49 UTC  

A lot of the time, I get interested in a movie because I read a plot synopsis or something.

2019-09-14 06:11:21 UTC  

Yeah the main character isn't even like a mary sue "can do no wrong" typa character either. The film legit opens with her cheating on her husband.

2019-09-14 06:11:35 UTC  

They're pretty nuanced characters for the most part.

2019-09-14 06:14:22 UTC  


2019-09-14 06:15:15 UTC  

Another movie that did that really well was the Wonder Woman movie.

2019-09-14 06:16:11 UTC  

A movie directed by a woman where you spend the first third of the movie on a island of exclusively women and where the main character is a super human whose probably the strongest being on Earth at that point.

2019-09-14 06:16:37 UTC  

It was surprisingly not that "girl power" it was kinda just a decent action flick.

2019-09-14 06:16:50 UTC  

Even that "No Man's Land" scene didn't seem forced at all.

2019-09-14 06:17:00 UTC  

It was actually pretty fckin' hype.

2019-09-14 06:17:12 UTC  

The end of the movie kinda dropped the ball doe.

2019-09-14 06:19:36 UTC  

Didn't Wonder Woman appear in Batman V Superman before getting her own movie?

2019-09-14 06:19:40 UTC  

You're lowkey better off forgetting it.

2019-09-14 06:19:45 UTC  

And yeah she did.

2019-09-14 06:20:30 UTC  

Kind of sad that she had to be addled with that, but it all fell apart so spectacularly that I guess people don't really consider DC movies to be connected anymore.

2019-09-14 06:20:51 UTC  

I lowkey prefer that.

2019-09-14 06:21:00 UTC  

Not everything gotta be an extended universe.

2019-09-14 06:21:59 UTC  

I know what you mean.

2019-09-14 06:22:58 UTC  

Of the MCU, I think I've seen Iron Man 1 and 3, Thor 1 and Ragnarok, the first Avengers, Dr. Strange and I'm not sure about anything else.

2019-09-14 06:23:31 UTC  

I've seen all of them besides Captain Marvel and the new Spiderman.

2019-09-14 06:23:41 UTC  

After End Game I was done with it.

2019-09-14 06:23:58 UTC  

Oh, the first Captain America too.

2019-09-14 06:24:19 UTC  

That was a cool thing they did, it was nice while it lasted, but I'm foreseeing it's probably gonna go down hill from here so I'm just gonna jump ship now.

2019-09-14 06:24:52 UTC  

What's the point?

2019-09-14 06:25:00 UTC  

Why make a Black Widow movie now?

2019-09-14 06:26:04 UTC  

'Fuck you Scarjo, everyone else got to come back to life, but you are going to die here and not get to take it back, but as a condolence, how about we finally give you a solo movie?'

2019-09-14 06:26:08 UTC  

Yeah instead of trying to introduce Captain Marvel they shouldn't used that as an opportunity make a Black Widow prequel. Especially considering Cap Marvel released like a few months before End Game and considering what happens to her character in End Game it'd only be fitting.

2019-09-14 06:27:42 UTC  

And even tho seeing women overpower men who would realistically destroy them is kinda annoying I did hear a counter argument to that that has since made me rethink how I feel about it.

2019-09-14 06:28:08 UTC  

Basically it boils down to "It's Fiction so it's fine" which you can't really argue with it.

2019-09-14 06:35:24 UTC  

Batman animated series and Batman beyond are top notch.

2019-09-14 06:36:20 UTC  

It's weird, when I was a kid the Spider Man shoe was my favorite superhero cartoon, but now nothing compares to Batman.

2019-09-14 06:37:25 UTC  

And being rich.

2019-09-14 06:37:42 UTC  

The greatest of powers