Message from @Neon_Flipflop

Discord ID: 628639175280951296

2019-10-01 06:45:36 UTC  

total tranny now

2019-10-01 06:52:40 UTC  

I think Marx's point about capitalism was that it was a needed step to prime society for socialism. I suspect he would have frowned upon the idea of trying to skip the queue. Oddly, fascists figured it out

2019-10-01 07:00:16 UTC  

I think the youths of undisclosed ethnicity believed that my personal, albeit limited success was a needed and lengthy step to get me that big television, that ultimately gets them much needed money for clothes for school.

2019-10-01 07:01:23 UTC  

sorry, typo. "undisclosed" was meant to be "underclothed"

2019-10-01 09:05:48 UTC  

@Legalize anybody got back to you in your DM’s about building?

2019-10-01 10:28:57 UTC

2019-10-01 10:34:40 UTC  

... are you doing the equivalent of posting your own quotes as quotes that inspire you?

2019-10-01 11:33:09 UTC  

He has been looking Quite scraggly as of late

2019-10-01 14:56:29 UTC  

I thought showing up in sweatpants to school was cringy

2019-10-01 14:57:11 UTC  

But Im sitting across the room from a Shrek in pajama pants and flipflops, and I suddenly dont feel so bad anymore

2019-10-01 15:04:32 UTC  

Crowder looks scruffy because he was up all night getting his butt pumped behind a dumpster

2019-10-01 17:00:44 UTC  

What are y’all opinions on people who just open mouth cough when they’re sick

2019-10-01 17:00:57 UTC  

I think the intent is to bring intimacy to the discussion

2019-10-01 17:01:49 UTC  


2019-10-01 17:03:42 UTC  

@Neon_Flipflop that was directed at the crowder video. Lol

2019-10-01 17:03:52 UTC  

Oh, I was about to say

2019-10-01 17:06:15 UTC  

@Neon_Flipflop just imagine a bunch of married couples swapping coughs instead of kisses now. Lol

2019-10-01 17:06:31 UTC  

That’s gross

2019-10-01 17:06:50 UTC  

Especially with the way this woman who is sitting a couple seats away from me is coughing

2019-10-01 17:07:18 UTC  

She sounds like a lunger

2019-10-01 17:07:38 UTC  

Just putting that in like swapping coughs

2019-10-01 17:07:45 UTC  


2019-10-01 17:08:14 UTC  

Open mouth to open mouth coughing

2019-10-01 17:08:16 UTC  


2019-10-01 17:08:25 UTC  

Plus one deep inhale

2019-10-01 17:11:33 UTC  

open mouth coughers are uncivilized barbarians

2019-10-01 17:16:25 UTC  

I was about to throw that girl out the window of this 5 story building

2019-10-01 18:06:46 UTC  

somali men do that to babies in MN

2019-10-01 18:14:14 UTC  

People coughing without covering their mouths is fucking disgusting and punchable imo

2019-10-01 18:15:31 UTC  

I used to work as an optical assistant and had a patient cough in my face while I was just about to take his eye measurements.
It was one of those rattling phlegm coughs too

2019-10-01 18:19:08 UTC  

....... ........ WTF

2019-10-01 18:33:24 UTC  

Probably late on the news, but did anyone else hear that a hoax hate crime story turned out to be a hoax? The girl who's hair was cut by 3 white boys admitted she lied.

2019-10-01 18:36:20 UTC

2019-10-01 18:36:26 UTC  

Based TERFs

2019-10-01 18:37:55 UTC  

@Zaku227 yeah, a number of people have posted that one. Probably because we found out it was fake *1* day after Matt and Blonde talked about it

2019-10-01 18:41:24 UTC  

@C1PHER Saw the story was 10 hours old and wasnt sure when it might have first come out elsewhere and been shared here

2019-10-01 19:27:27 UTC  

@Lolibattlemachine that is the tweet that directly led to the game Heartbeat being on sale for a discount equal to the transgender suicide rate, right?

2019-10-01 19:28:16 UTC  


2019-10-01 19:34:34 UTC  

man more things should go on sale for the tranny suicide rate

2019-10-01 20:01:20 UTC  

So what's their share of the total suicide rate? There's gotta be a '0.03% do 50%' meme in there somewhere.

2019-10-01 20:19:17 UTC  

I doubt it. Surely there are too many people that kill themselves to make transgender suicide a meaningful share of that number.