Message from @The Bitter Draught
Discord ID: 632233705745940502
Gloomhaven is an absolute monster from what I've heard
8 hour ply times
At the point where your game takes more than an hour or two I dont see why I wouldn't just go to PnP RPGs
Twilight Empereon
well at least for me, its a very different kind of game than an RPG
I probably misspelled that
oh that TE
I cant stand long board games but I do play DnD
I think its Imperium
so TI
anyway, yeah that's 8-12 hours too so bring some coffee
I think we have enough table space we could stop playing and come back to it
I'm also into a Monsterpocalypse which is a godzilla style miniatures game that like matt's channel is woefully under appreciated
Tbh some of them are basically just more restrictive D&D though. Like my sister was getting into Arkham and shit, and from what she was telling me the long form version is just babby D&D with premades. Also not a fan of either spending a full day on one game or finding a way to save progress
I spent $3,000 on a boardgaming table with a lid
so to save it, just put the lid on
I want one of those so bad
I had bought a bitcoin back when it was $50
my wife couldn't even stop me
I bought the table first
then told her we had bitcoin money
If you play often that’s money well spent
well I try to, it's hard to get 4-6 people to sit down in a room and play for 6-8 hours
I guess I could take a page from beeman and play shorter games
like "virtue signal"
Shorter is a relative term when it comes to boardgames
It really depends on the group
Catan can take ages with the right group
Especially if you’re with expanded amount of players
How long did it take to get your table?
4 months from placing the order I think
Pins and needles?
While waiting?
Yall could probably make a nice one for less money
yeah probably, but I live in a townhouse and dont have a lathe