Message from @Old Man Hound

Discord ID: 641708048859004946

2019-11-06 18:30:21 UTC  

@Old Man Hound you lost me. What party switch are you referring to?

2019-11-06 18:30:30 UTC  

Sometimes the larger force enhances or creates the animosity

2019-11-06 18:31:21 UTC  

@The Bitter Draught It was sarcasm. The party switch that was supposed to have happened to explain how the south went Red. The Joke is it happened after 1960 and before FDR (who died in 1945)

2019-11-06 18:31:51 UTC  

> The US ran the system I'm talking about, until it was undermined primarily in the last hundred years or so.
Lol. No.
> Decentralization is a sliding scale. It's not dictatorship or ancapistan.
Centralization has nothing to do with either. That would be scope.
> Further,
> 1) decentralization means that you are ruled by a more-local body, which is more accountable
Except, no. All it means there are more points of failure. There's no evidence that being local inherently makes governing bodies more accountable.
> 2) scope of government is a factor of centralizarion

2019-11-06 18:32:21 UTC  

> A smaller/more locsl system can still attempt to be totalitarian, but the more local you get, the harder it is to maintain control like that

2019-11-06 18:32:48 UTC  

Kevin are you voting for big government or what here?

2019-11-06 18:33:03 UTC  

Not judging but having trouble following your argument.

2019-11-06 18:33:25 UTC  
2019-11-06 18:33:27 UTC  

He's suggesting that scope and centralization are inherently separate. To which I must ask what centralization would be defined as

2019-11-06 18:35:44 UTC  

I completely understand the advantages a dictator can bring to a government as well as the advantages of democracy.

2019-11-06 18:36:08 UTC  

Where the seats of power are. Imagine a Federal system of vanguard communist regimes. It would be both decentralized and totalitarian.

2019-11-06 18:36:58 UTC  

@Old Man Hound
Honestly, I care a lot less about size/scope of government power, and more what it does with that power.

2019-11-06 18:37:10 UTC  

isn't one of the problems with communism is it tries to be centralist and power hungry over all elements of a society, but because government never reacts fast...

2019-11-06 18:37:20 UTC  

You have issues of starvation and human rights abuses?

2019-11-06 18:37:30 UTC  

Centralization of power doesnt just exist within federally appointed positions though does it?
E.g. if we return to pure citizen's militias, we've atomized defense. If we decide that states need standing armies, we've partially centralized. This is *also* an aspect of scope

2019-11-06 18:37:49 UTC  

Because scope is necessarily deeming what power can and should be consolidated

2019-11-06 18:38:10 UTC  

Can I make a broad analogy?

2019-11-06 18:38:18 UTC  

This isn't specific to this argument but...

2019-11-06 18:38:24 UTC  

Its important to have opposition.

2019-11-06 18:38:28 UTC  

Knock yourself out my dude

2019-11-06 18:38:41 UTC  

One nice thing about multiple small governments competing either in taxes, trade, or militarily is that

2019-11-06 18:39:03 UTC  

It prevents the government from getting too drunk and stupid because someone will move in, and move in worse if they get really dumb.

2019-11-06 18:39:30 UTC  

It also encourages innovation because there are actual real issues that need to be dealt with.

2019-11-06 18:39:38 UTC  

I think this is one of the HUGE issues America is having right now?

2019-11-06 18:40:15 UTC  

America is drunk, powerful, and has no real foes, so why not fuck off and get drunk and suck some dick?

2019-11-06 18:40:30 UTC  

Lol gotcha yeah the timeline had me confused as to the joke

2019-11-06 18:40:36 UTC  

My point is I don't care if the US has a single Federal NatSoc regime, or 50 NatSoc state regimes. I just want a regime that will impose my policy preferences/interests.

2019-11-06 18:41:08 UTC  

Right, but what I'm saying is that the size you make government will pretty much invariably come back to bite you in the ass, especially if it's federal

2019-11-06 18:41:43 UTC  

I'd also point out that communism will never ever happen, but especially not if you have competition :^)
Re: your prior example of decentralization

2019-11-06 18:41:46 UTC  

Doubt it.

2019-11-06 18:42:04 UTC  

So did Trotsky I'm sure

2019-11-06 18:42:32 UTC  

@Beemann So let me see if I get you here

2019-11-06 18:42:46 UTC  

Are you saying if government gets big, when it collapses its worse, and the corruption is worse?

2019-11-06 18:43:15 UTC  

I'm saying the more power you give government, the more it can backfire. The less accountability government has, the easier backfiring becomes

2019-11-06 18:43:26 UTC  

I meant I doubt big government will bite me in the ass.

2019-11-06 18:43:41 UTC  

Where as small government already has.

2019-11-06 18:43:50 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist That is a hot take coming from you, no offense.

2019-11-06 18:43:56 UTC  

What do you mean small government?

2019-11-06 18:44:04 UTC  

Or trying* for small government.

2019-11-06 18:44:18 UTC  

So to go to an extreme example, if criticizing the government is a capital offense, then you'd better hope you never disagree with anyone in power

2019-11-06 18:44:19 UTC  

watching Owen Benjamin right now after a bit of a break. actually hasn't gone off the deep end and is... funny!