Message from @Muzzlehatch

Discord ID: 645851523867213825

2019-11-18 04:51:40 UTC  

culture at all those companies is .. fucked

2019-11-18 04:52:46 UTC  

I was hoping they would weigh in on Epstien and Prince Andrew. That is a weird one. I am going full Matt on that. The media have already found him guilty. I am not so sure.

2019-11-18 04:53:02 UTC  

We're never going to hear more about the Epstein stuff

2019-11-18 04:53:09 UTC  

maybe there wasnt more to say on that? I thought he said something last week

2019-11-18 04:53:12 UTC  

it's like how we're never going to hear more about David Asimov

2019-11-18 04:53:47 UTC  

they supposedly recovered a bunch of evidence in safes from all his properties, but where'd it all go?

2019-11-18 04:55:12 UTC  

David Asimov .. just searched. That was news to me.

2019-11-18 04:55:54 UTC  

Yeah, Mueller has no problem letting criminals go free, unless they're actually innocent.

2019-11-18 04:56:28 UTC  

Epstien just got gangstered. Likely won't hear anything more.

2019-11-18 04:56:51 UTC  

YEah, and what do you think prevented David Asimov from going to prison for his entire life. Same circles of power.

2019-11-18 04:57:01 UTC  

But Prince Andrew is a scalp the Britsh would like to take.

2019-11-18 04:57:40 UTC  

never going to happen because it would expose everyone else he had evidence on

2019-11-18 04:58:33 UTC  

Epstein and all that evidence somehow just died, just like Strzok's text messages.

2019-11-18 04:58:42 UTC  

Prince Andrew will be crucified by a media trial. The ratings will be through the roof.

2019-11-18 05:00:38 UTC  

This is how you know when people say it's conspiracy theory land to say the media has it's own propaganda are ostriches.

2019-11-18 05:00:56 UTC  

It's never going to happen because whatever epstein had was probably "lost"

2019-11-18 05:01:20 UTC  

At least the American Deep State isn't keeping the overthrow of democratically elected government just to South America MENA and Eastern Europe. They are doing a ltlle overthrowing right back at home too. Sharing the love as it were.

2019-11-18 05:01:55 UTC  

I don't know how anyone trusts any of them. ATF has been caught doing retarded fucked up shit and lying about it.

2019-11-18 05:02:17 UTC  

I was just a kid when 9/11 happened and I learned then you can't trust any of the 3 letter agencies or the media.

2019-11-18 05:02:30 UTC  

FBI and CIA said there were WMDs too.

2019-11-18 05:03:22 UTC  

I just finished a Great Courses series on the CIA. It was ever thus.

2019-11-18 05:04:33 UTC  

i didnt trust govt before 9/11

2019-11-18 05:04:58 UTC  

I was jike my first year in highschool when 9/11 happened so

2019-11-18 05:05:02 UTC  

I wasn't quite that cynical yet

2019-11-18 05:05:03 UTC  

but my mom works for govt andallowed her husband to lock me in a room for years except for going to school, so i guess that makes sense

2019-11-18 05:05:23 UTC  

I was a sophmore when 9/11 happened

2019-11-18 05:06:13 UTC  

It is a mistake to think that corrupt practices and cronyism is just a feature of recent times. Not to be black pilling but there is no sudden recent fall from grace.

2019-11-18 05:06:37 UTC  

It's a mistake to think it was just as bad when the government was smaller.

2019-11-18 05:06:47 UTC  

So yes, there has been a fall from grace.

2019-11-18 05:07:00 UTC  

After 9/11 these orgs are more powerful than ever before.

2019-11-18 05:07:11 UTC  

The Patriot Act happened

2019-11-18 05:07:22 UTC  

The Patriot act is part of what's causing all the fuckery with the banks now

2019-11-18 05:07:27 UTC  

I felt the same way about Regan handing out stinger missiles to the Mujahadeen in Afganistan. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

2019-11-18 05:07:29 UTC  

where they're playing these political games.

2019-11-18 05:08:19 UTC  

Yeah, but the difference is because congress is now full of cowards the president can sign executive orders and do that kind of shit out of channel.

2019-11-18 05:08:47 UTC  

That's one thing that never gets brought up, people like to talk about what Obama did, but Trump has just expanded everything Obama was doing in that regard.

2019-11-18 05:10:10 UTC  

@Catboi agreed. The more complex the system becomes the less amenable it is to rectification by people of good faith and a sense of wanting to keep the system as reputable as possible.

2019-11-18 05:14:17 UTC  

One way the Uniparty likes to keep folks gaslight and riled up with partisan fury. Constantly ginning up the extremes and obscuring corruption. Americans can seem to see an issue without going back to the last administration on the opposition team and blaming everything on them. That said we dodged a bullet with Clinton. Even us foreigners weighed in on social media to try to stop Hillary in 2016.

2019-11-18 05:15:06 UTC  

Drives me nuts when people talk about politicians.

2019-11-18 05:15:19 UTC  

I heard people today celebrating Stone's sentencing.

2019-11-18 05:15:47 UTC  

I wanted to say, "So if people can get in trouble for lying to congress and in congressional comittees does that mean we can put them all in prison for life too?"