Message from @Tienshenhann

Discord ID: 646924063968854028

2019-11-21 04:02:52 UTC  

otherwise what's the point?

2019-11-21 04:03:03 UTC  

where is the youtube stream of the debate?

2019-11-21 04:03:05 UTC  

then bernie just goes back to the same stupid old boring talking points

2019-11-21 04:03:20 UTC  

We should just annex Mexico. Should have done it a century ago.

2019-11-21 04:03:31 UTC  

i'm listening to it on dlive, nick fuentes stream

2019-11-21 04:03:33 UTC  

Nah, I don't want Mexico

2019-11-21 04:03:40 UTC  

yeah Fuentes is usually entertaining

2019-11-21 04:03:52 UTC  

The problem with annexing Mexico is that you will have more Mexicans

2019-11-21 04:03:53 UTC  

but I like he's keeping quiet

2019-11-21 04:04:05 UTC  

@McFansy gets it

2019-11-21 04:04:07 UTC  

@Praxi wow margie is batshit crazy. I totally forgot car bras even existed

2019-11-21 04:04:25 UTC  

If we had done it a century ago it wouldn't even be Mexico. Most of the current Western US used to be Mexico.

2019-11-21 04:04:31 UTC  

@Lyrecium she got some idea stuck in her head that my trash cans can't be within 5' of her trash cans. because the garbage co said so. Were in a cul de sac, so we have like 5' of sidewalk. So I block off my driveway for trash cans.

2019-11-21 04:04:41 UTC  

@DABrilliant there wouldn't of been an America either

2019-11-21 04:04:42 UTC  

We just didn't finish the job.

2019-11-21 04:05:03 UTC  

Doing that now would be a terrible idea

2019-11-21 04:05:12 UTC  

"beating donald trump is the floor, we plan to go to the mountaint top"

2019-11-21 04:05:13 UTC  

shes gone so bat shit crazy, her sons won't talk to her anymore. Police have a 3" binder of shit on her. I got a gun on my desk in the garage, in case she drives through my garage door.

2019-11-21 04:05:14 UTC  

@Praxi so basically, her section of the sidewalk is hers

2019-11-21 04:05:16 UTC  

holy shit

2019-11-21 04:05:20 UTC  

And your section of the sidewalk is hers

2019-11-21 04:05:31 UTC  

they think they have a shot at beating trump to begin with

2019-11-21 04:05:31 UTC  


2019-11-21 04:05:40 UTC  

literally nobody on that stage can

2019-11-21 04:05:45 UTC  

@Praxi you ever thought of moving mate? lol

2019-11-21 04:05:52 UTC  

That lady sounds like bad news

2019-11-21 04:06:07 UTC  

I think Bernie pre-sellout like 2016ish would have been hella entertaining, he did have 12% of the Trump vote

2019-11-21 04:06:18 UTC  

i think tulsi and pete would be the only challenges, because they can say they served in the military rather than trump who was a draft dodger

2019-11-21 04:06:31 UTC  

Fuentes has a point -- demographic change means they will win eventually.

2019-11-21 04:06:47 UTC  

@McFancy possibly, but Texas, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and California were successfully carved out of Mexico.

2019-11-21 04:06:49 UTC  

I would say Tulsi does, but she would have to move to the center

2019-11-21 04:06:53 UTC  

@clubfrills You mean Pat Buchanan back in the 1980s

2019-11-21 04:07:00 UTC  

^ also that

2019-11-21 04:07:17 UTC  

@Lyrecium lol yes. We just moved here about 2 years ago. Perfect house for us, other than her. Hang out with all the other neighbors. Smoke cigars with the bus driver on the weekends, go for motorcycle rides with the mechanic, talk wood shop with the Aussie. If I have to move and waste money, going to bury her in law suits.

2019-11-21 04:07:45 UTC  

@DABrilliant Yeah but people are different. Mexicans could never make California into what it is today

2019-11-21 04:07:52 UTC  

Tulsi outside of foreign policy is mostly the same as other candidates. She would have to walk back a lot of her policy.

2019-11-21 04:08:11 UTC  

I don't even care if I win. It will be an inconvenience to me. She will lose her house and finally be committed or sent to an old folks home.

2019-11-21 04:08:16 UTC  

in her interview with dave rubin, she moderated her positions a bit

2019-11-21 04:08:21 UTC  

@Praxi lmao aight nah fair enough

2019-11-21 04:08:31 UTC  

Also sweet you got a Strayan neighbor