Message from @Catboi

Discord ID: 648989578744692757

2019-11-26 20:50:37 UTC  

>let’s women vote

>encourages women to whore around

> destroys the institution of marriage

But hooray, now the top 10% of men can get laid really easily and with no commitment

2019-11-26 20:50:49 UTC  

Yeah I'm sure the reason you've never been with a woman is because you're not a cumbrain

2019-11-26 20:50:51 UTC  

kinda weird to take pictures of people in the bathroom to prove a point tho....

2019-11-26 20:50:55 UTC  

there couldn't be any other cause

2019-11-26 20:51:17 UTC  

Well also there’s the possible tism

2019-11-26 20:51:27 UTC  

Jesus christ, if you guys spent half the time you spend on here complaining about JQ and the boogaloo going out and talking to'd all be equally miserable and single and more broke.

2019-11-26 20:51:39 UTC  

I don’t enjoy talking to white women

2019-11-26 20:51:43 UTC  

They are very loud and annoying

2019-11-26 20:51:44 UTC  

who does

2019-11-26 20:51:47 UTC  

I've moved onto the WNQ

2019-11-26 20:51:48 UTC  

I married Korean

2019-11-26 20:51:52 UTC  

I've solved the JQ

2019-11-26 20:52:01 UTC  

no complaints

2019-11-26 20:52:03 UTC  

Good choice, just make sure she isn’t full of plastic

2019-11-26 20:52:16 UTC  

nobody goes out to talk to girls irl, boomer

2019-11-26 20:52:35 UTC

2019-11-26 20:52:41 UTC  

you have to get on tinder or whatever dating site is popular

2019-11-26 20:52:42 UTC  

Next he’ll tell us to go in to the store and shake the managers hand and ask for a job

2019-11-26 20:52:43 UTC  

well it's been 10 years, she's bound to let me touch her and find out if they are real at some point

2019-11-26 20:52:50 UTC  


2019-11-26 20:52:53 UTC  

Tinder is cancer

2019-11-26 20:52:57 UTC  

if you don't just want pussy

2019-11-26 20:52:59 UTC  

Tinder is aids

2019-11-26 20:53:01 UTC  

you're wasting your time

2019-11-26 20:53:10 UTC  

Nobody on tinder is trying to date

2019-11-26 20:53:23 UTC  

It’s funny, so many of them put shit like “no hookups”

2019-11-26 20:53:30 UTC  

It’s like nigga, why you on tinder then

2019-11-26 20:53:31 UTC  

who is the e-sports waifu?

2019-11-26 20:53:35 UTC  

What you gotta do i go join some group where it's not full of retards around some activity you like.

2019-11-26 20:53:35 UTC  

@The Bitter Draught
Lol. I fucking knew it!
That explains so much.

2019-11-26 20:53:41 UTC  

Co-ed sports

2019-11-26 20:53:46 UTC  

What a kike.

2019-11-26 20:53:52 UTC  

If you're like one of these christfags join a church

2019-11-26 20:54:00 UTC  

yeah fev is on the right track there

2019-11-26 20:54:03 UTC  

Nah I’m an athiest scumbag

2019-11-26 20:54:05 UTC  

Literally anything in real life that's wholesome is better for meeting a woman that's not a thot

2019-11-26 20:54:25 UTC  

Once I learned to suck it up and eat the rejections, it went a lot better

2019-11-26 20:54:30 UTC  

Online dating is a waste of tiem unless you're going to go to Vietnam or Romania or something and buy a wife

2019-11-26 20:54:35 UTC  

I think I’d rather just become a gymcel

2019-11-26 20:54:38 UTC  

>if you don't just want pussy
No, you can find tits on there as well.

2019-11-26 20:54:45 UTC  

gym doesn't hurt