Message from @JoJo, Kомик

Discord ID: 650809589012365341

2019-12-01 21:14:30 UTC  

I still don't really see how your logic is distinguished from literally anyone of any other ideology saying the same stuff
They all say very similar things to what you're saying
When I asked them what distinguishes them from you they claim very similar things
They just claim your ideology is fringe while most people in their hearts agree with them
I'm happy to be convinced otherwise, but it's going to take a bit more convincing argument
It needs to be superior to what other ideologies are using
As it stands, it's the same argument, just reworded a little bit

2019-12-01 21:14:47 UTC  

"your ideology"

2019-12-01 21:15:14 UTC  

first of all I don't really have an ideology other than a govrenment should serve it's people to create the most opportunity at the most cost while staying at the smallest size.

2019-12-01 21:15:30 UTC  

My main value is people are stupid and if you give them a chance they'll fuck it up.

2019-12-01 21:15:55 UTC  

And most people just go with the flow

2019-12-01 21:16:01 UTC  

most people don't think about politics at all

2019-12-01 21:16:14 UTC  

I'd say that's a pretty distinguished one
Most ideologies aren't really more complicated than that

2019-12-01 21:16:15 UTC  

If you tell some faggot you don't know who Billie Eilish is they might call you fringe

2019-12-01 21:16:17 UTC  

what's your point

2019-12-01 21:16:32 UTC  

probably like 10-15% of the population is plugged into politics

2019-12-01 21:16:41 UTC  

and probably less than 1% of them thinks for themselves

2019-12-01 21:16:48 UTC  

everyone else is just living their lives

2019-12-01 21:16:55 UTC  


2019-12-01 21:16:57 UTC  

"Oh I'm for equality, that sounds good"

2019-12-01 21:17:07 UTC  

Hop into voice

2019-12-01 21:17:11 UTC  

Mass democracy was a mistake

2019-12-01 21:17:14 UTC  

"I'm for helping people that sounds good"

2019-12-01 21:19:19 UTC  

Again, I'm not saying "its fringe therefore wrong"
I openly stated that's not the point not very long ago

2019-12-01 21:23:38 UTC  

You're being retarded

2019-12-01 21:23:44 UTC  

I've said it will always be fringe

2019-12-01 21:24:57 UTC  

That's fine
I mean, the question wasn't even originally directed at you
Why do you get so irritated over this stuff?

2019-12-01 21:49:45 UTC  

I'm not irritated

2019-12-01 21:49:50 UTC  

you just always say mongoloid shit

2019-12-01 21:57:39 UTC  

I know you're an edgelord
But calling people retards creates the perception of irritation

2019-12-01 21:57:48 UTC  

Okay Retard

2019-12-01 21:59:27 UTC  

I mean, I didn't really even say much
My question wasn't even directed at you originally
You just interjected and start making points I openly agreed to
Then started calling me a retard for... I don't even know what
Because I agreed with you? Lol

2019-12-01 21:59:52 UTC  

Again, I know you're just trying to be an edgelord with this stuff
But it creates the perception of irritation

2019-12-01 22:03:12 UTC  

Okay Retard

2019-12-01 22:07:03 UTC  

Okay, clearly you're mad then

2019-12-01 22:07:21 UTC  

Can't even come up with the words to respond

2019-12-01 22:13:38 UTC  

Okay Retard

2019-12-01 22:15:36 UTC  

Damn, they're right when they told me white supremacist were dumb as hell lol

2019-12-01 22:36:15 UTC  

Okay Retard

2019-12-01 22:38:18 UTC  

Okay White Supremacist

2019-12-01 22:38:21 UTC

2019-12-01 22:39:22 UTC

2019-12-01 22:41:12 UTC  

Wtf haha

2019-12-01 22:47:26 UTC  

Excellent summary of where we are right now

2019-12-01 22:54:13 UTC  

does anyone unironically like corn tortillas

2019-12-01 22:55:02 UTC  
