Message from @Ari
Discord ID: 272607646740381696
i wouldnt care about the fake logo too much
I would only care if it was a shitty phone
it's a shitty phone
we're literally in an age where chink companies are releasing better and better phones at low prices
there's no point in getting iphone copies
where can I buy the iphone copy?
the only iphone copys I can find is xiami 😦
xiaomi isnt even an iphone copy
Yeah it was terrible
I didn't leave my place at all today
How often do you usually go out/
matt burns
oh wops wrong server
Change your avi back to anime why do you have a big fat lesbian now
Dude, what the hell thats offensive.
>being so poor that you have to order your dreams from china
Is it shameful if you buy a wedding dress on Ali for cheap cheap
Welcome to the /csg/ server, <@!194617998990901248>!
Buurr has left!
depends on how the wife looks V30 is cheapish on GearBest atm
Sorry this is random, but can someone tell me the difference between HTLE and LTE in regards to phone roms?
Ask pajeetxxxmodder
Whats the cheapest kody chink box you guys seen? fine for just kodi with libreelec but 1gb ram is not enough for android imo
Welcome to the /csg/ server, @Mithril Leaf!
Maybe its for fat people
eckkks deee