Message from @Harru
Discord ID: 274431736585125889
goat camera, goat screen, good batery life, sd card support, and waterproof
xperia z3 compact
you can find em pretty cheap these days
only negatives are the retardo back being glass and non removable battery
id rather wait for the latest chink phone
>crappy bot right off the bat
Would you prefer a person to greet you?
no, people from 4chan are all faggots
including me
You'll fit right in just fine then
I just joined for the lolz anyways. I'm not that active on Discord
I wouldn't say this is really a place you need to check all the time anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of other servers out there that you'd probably be interested in
fugin bot
bots are gay
no u, bots can be pretty good to be honest, especially with admin stuff, they help alot
i write a bunch of bots myself, but mainly just useless twitter crap
Hm? What like?
this cancerous thing [kill]
fuck clipboards
attempt 2:
I guess is the most popular one among the ones i maintain, but it's not as cancerous
That's pretty good anon, nice work, followed
On another note, anyone here who owns one of these:
considering replacing my raspberry pi poorfag server with one because it claims to have Gbit Ethernet
sucks ass
get an Odroid
i can't afford an odroid tho
I just wanna know if it's complete trash or if it can compare with my Raspberry Pi for some boring web server stuff
You'd still better get odroid though.
hummingbird is better (tho even more expensive)
I don't get where and how to find keyboard PCBs other than Satan GH60
Guess I'll look into an odroid when I have more money then. Any idea where to find one? Aliexpress doesn't seem to be giving me many useful results
Google it