Message from @Deleting User

Discord ID: 657282875086864394

2019-12-19 09:39:33 UTC  

Religion 😞

2019-12-19 09:39:40 UTC  

L o L

2019-12-19 13:30:40 UTC

2019-12-19 16:05:06 UTC  

Good afternyan everynyan! My sleep schedule is very messed up rn oh my gosh.

2019-12-19 16:05:18 UTC  

Cringe meme

2019-12-19 16:25:30 UTC  

@Danacrag Are you stupid?

2019-12-19 16:28:28 UTC  


2019-12-19 16:30:58 UTC  

Do you not have discord nitro?

2019-12-19 17:23:40 UTC  

>unironically buying nitro and supporting a shitty service that has an outage every fucking week

2019-12-19 17:23:44 UTC  
2019-12-19 17:24:11 UTC  

@Deleting User Can you cite them having an outage every week.

2019-12-19 17:24:45 UTC  

I'm obviously exaggerating but I'm referencing the recent API problems

2019-12-19 17:25:11 UTC  

Telegram is better

2019-12-19 17:25:19 UTC  

Too bad the party is all here

2019-12-19 17:25:24 UTC  

And not there

2019-12-19 17:26:23 UTC  

It's more portable, efficiantly designed, they don't share data with feds

2019-12-19 17:26:26 UTC  

Very cool

2019-12-19 17:40:18 UTC  

@Deleting User The recent API problem was googles Services fucking up.

2019-12-19 17:40:39 UTC  

Had 0 to do with the workings on Discords part besides you asking them to stop using googles services?

2019-12-19 18:07:29 UTC it's not a recent thing, it's just been more common this month. Telegram doesnt have these issues and has a few advantages to discord. It dosent matter if it's a problem with a Google service that discord uses or a problem with discord proper. The fact remains that it's been a weak point for discord that has consistantly caused problems now and In the past.

2019-12-19 18:09:43 UTC  

Discord is built on the electron framework which is the root of many of it's problems

2019-12-19 18:09:43 UTC  

πŸ†™ | **Loki-chan leveled up!**

2019-12-19 18:15:38 UTC  

Idk what to tell you kiddo you're just wrong

2019-12-19 18:17:00 UTC  

Discord averages out at a 0.7 API error rate which is better than cites such as facebook that have level around 2%. With the vast majority of these outages being only partial causing lag etc. And with a lot of the major outages being because of external issues like the recent outage caused by the google cloud platform going out.

2019-12-19 18:18:41 UTC  

Telegram overall idk their outage level so I can't comment on how good or bad they are on that front, considering the simplicity of telegram I would guess it's low.

2019-12-19 18:18:56 UTC  

What I can comment on is Telegrams lacklustre customer support and poor UI

2019-12-19 18:19:32 UTC  

Also considering that Telegram is missing key features that Discord offers, Idk if the services are comparable

2019-12-19 18:23:54 UTC  

There's a different between discord and Facebook in how the users are mainly interacting with it. With discord users are mainly interacting with it as a live messanger. Back and forward convos, voice chat, ect. It's kinda a pain when discord shuts down and makes it impossible for me to talk to my friends. Which is why I prefer porting things over to telegram at least as a backup. Telegram is much younger than discord and they're slowly adding more and more features. I've mentioned the advantages already (i.e. telegram won't hand your info over to governments or ban you for posting something that they consider loli) the UI is fine it's just lacking features. It's already doing better than discord when discord was in it's infancy.

2019-12-19 18:25:13 UTC  

Discord holds our friends hostage

2019-12-19 18:25:17 UTC  


2019-12-19 18:27:15 UTC  

My mom is so dumb

2019-12-19 18:27:24 UTC  

She's getting really excited over the impeachment

2019-12-19 18:27:38 UTC  

Thinking that it means trump is gonna be kicked out of office lmfao

2019-12-19 18:27:57 UTC  

And shes telling all our Mexican movers about it

2019-12-19 18:40:54 UTC  

I think claiming that Facebook is not used like a live chat service is laughable considering they had to separate messenger and Facebook because it is using in this exact way as a instant messaging service. Also considering people use Facebook as a calling service and a video service.
And I agree it is a pain when any service goes down and disallows you from accessing logs or talk to your friends, considering this is a problem with Facebook and telegram I'm confused why you are bringing it up as stated Discord has an Incredibly low down time percentage and this number being increased by external companies not discord.
The Telegram UI is not fine it is quite bad overall for accessibility and ease of use. And they state as much in their TOS saying
```Post illegal pornographic content on publically viewable Telegram channels, bots, etc.```Also complaining about Telegram handing over information to the government when legally required is a quite odd complaint, as the only reason Telegram does not hand over information to the US government is because they are based in Dubai. If you were in violation of UAE laws you would be effected by the same argument as of course a company is going to hand over information when legally required to do so. Your argument in this case is literally "Discord should be based in Dubai".
For the Loli, it is currently a legal grey area as various states and the federal level keep legalising and de legalising it which puts discord in a strange spot.
Considering Telegram is based in Dubai I am sure that they also would be faced with this in such a restrictive country and their Terms of Service Explicitly states you can not post Illegal pornographic content.

2019-12-19 18:40:55 UTC  

Telegrams relationship with the law is also explicit in the case of them thinking you are a terrorist stating:```If Telegram receives a court order that confirms you're a terror suspect, we may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities. So far, this has never happened. When it does, we will include it in a semiannual transparency report published at:```May I note on handing things over to the government that discord has said:```Messages Deleted? If the messages or content you are reporting have already been deleted, we unfortunately are not able to retrieve the content. Once it’s deleted, the content is gone and there is no record of it. This means that while you are still welcome to submit a report, Trust and Safety will have a significantly more difficult time investigating and there is no guarantee that action will be taken against a violation.```

2019-12-19 18:42:14 UTC  

Overall none of these arguments seem to hold strong baring the UI one maybe due to this argument having a subjective element of Aesthetics?

2019-12-19 18:47:03 UTC  

Maybe a better argument would be that Telegram has an "Secret chat" option that has Client to client encryption? But if you're wanting a client that has really client to client encryption for secret discussions on things you really don't want anyone or any cops finding out about I would suggest using something way better than Telegram.

2019-12-19 19:04:04 UTC  

Idk what your point is with half of this. It's disingenuous to say "claiming Facebook is not used as a live chat service is laughable... Ect" because you and I both know discords use is entirely live traffic and that was what I was pointing out. Discord isn't used statically at all whereas a large portion of Facebook is so they don't have the same issue and the people who do use Facebook messager tend to have each other's phone numbers and know eachother personally whereas with discord this isn't the case so an outage really fucks shit up. The TOS thing you brought up is funny because telegram dosent really enforce this it's just a formality. Telegram mods don't even care about the fascist communities on telegram they just leave them be. They're very way more free in comparison. My server got taken down by discord staff so fast just for having "fascist" in the title lmfao. Telegram was banned in Russia because the founders decided not to share their users’ data with the government. They can say something in TOS as a formality but their actions normally aren't the same as discords which will ban users pretty liberally taking servers and users down for making edgy jokes. And just to be clear I don't care if there's one or two instances of an actual terrorist on telegram being reported as a terrorist. This is a lot different from discord banning people for posting something that's interpreted by discord as loli or an edgy joke that discord didn't like. I'm not sure why you're acting as if they're even remotely the same in this regard Telegram is just obviously less overbearing with what you can do on it.

2019-12-19 19:07:32 UTC  

^ this is the last response I'm making because I'm busy moving