Message from @sydtko

Discord ID: 665395002687488011

2020-01-11 03:15:50 UTC  

these werent in boot camp. it was in the falklands or something

2020-01-11 03:15:56 UTC  

i think

2020-01-11 03:16:29 UTC  

methode is my fren and has been for a while. i live in hope of him hugging me one day

2020-01-11 03:17:00 UTC  

Oh man. It sounds like military isn't great because it separates families <:Feelsweirdman:644895953064820776>

2020-01-11 03:17:25 UTC  

well i wasnt born yet so it didnt do that

2020-01-11 03:17:48 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:17:55 UTC  

i like breast milk too much to be vegan

2020-01-11 03:18:07 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:18:18 UTC  

Where do you get said breast milk <:pepeLMAO:644901342216847388>

2020-01-11 03:18:26 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:18:46 UTC  

@Methode You can run from it, you can hide from it, sleep always comes

2020-01-11 03:19:45 UTC  

>tfw chain and methode have their inside joke

2020-01-11 03:19:54 UTC  

>tfw not included

2020-01-11 03:20:28 UTC  

@chain how much did you donate to belle delphine?

2020-01-11 03:20:53 UTC  

well you should donate to me then

2020-01-11 03:21:22 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:21:41 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:22:02 UTC  

thigh pics if you want them. idk why you would tho

2020-01-11 03:22:09 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:22:11 UTC  

per month

You have bought a fren``` <:Feelsweirdman:644895953064820776>
I don't want or need any frens

2020-01-11 03:22:18 UTC  

i am a fat male tho

2020-01-11 03:22:20 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:22:23 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:22:40 UTC  

this is why i only have one patron

2020-01-11 03:23:17 UTC  

i make so little... sadders

2020-01-11 03:23:31 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:23:35 UTC  

The fact that you even make $18 is ... shocking but hey

2020-01-11 03:23:44 UTC  

nah im ugly.

2020-01-11 03:23:49 UTC  

some guy from discord

2020-01-11 03:24:06 UTC  

idk what my bmi is

2020-01-11 03:24:29 UTC  

Some people are willing to openly talk about their memes / BMI / weight body

2020-01-11 03:24:32 UTC  

no it is just a pic of an F4 phantom

2020-01-11 03:24:35 UTC  

I'm like 17.Xish ?

2020-01-11 03:24:42 UTC  

I'm technically underweight

2020-01-11 03:25:25 UTC  

i am obese

2020-01-11 03:25:26 UTC  

imagine being an idealist and not being able to commit to "the idea of me is real"

2020-01-11 03:25:31 UTC  

What a nancy

2020-01-11 03:26:41 UTC  

I think that's what I'm finding what is annoying as fuck about most people that talk about philosophy ...
is they don't even know how to commit to a proposition, statement

2020-01-11 03:26:43 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:27:33 UTC  

I hate that