Message from @Castore

Discord ID: 668616838128861194

2020-01-20 00:27:17 UTC  

Wrong how?

2020-01-20 00:27:50 UTC  

It... doesn't measure welfare.
It gives you a general idea or impression that there is a better welfare amongst the people, but that's not necessarily true

2020-01-20 00:27:55 UTC  

That's a probabilistic argument

2020-01-20 00:28:12 UTC  

And considering America's wealth gaps (to ground this to today)

2020-01-20 00:28:34 UTC  

America's GDP has increased over time from Reagan's era, but that's disparate wealth

2020-01-20 00:28:54 UTC  

So I just ask? Do you think people are better of on average now than in Reagan's era?

2020-01-20 00:30:57 UTC  

@LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes @LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes

2020-01-20 00:31:14 UTC  

Good joke Commie Boi

2020-01-20 00:31:18 UTC  

@LustrousMandrill Nick Fuentes more like Knees Bentes

2020-01-20 00:31:21 UTC  

Also, this fucking doesn't even the full paper available <:REEE:644893026165981184>

2020-01-20 00:36:34 UTC  

@sydtko GDP doesnt measure wellfare but its a good predictor of many welffare measurements and the best wellfare measurements are made by components of GDP otherwise they face problems as the paper i cited points further GDP predicts or has explanatory with other thinsg besides wellfare like financial stability and employment its a general measure of production of economic activity not a wellfare measure.The money supply doesnt measure inflation as well that doesnt mean its a not a good predictor of inflation or a reliable cauuse of inflation so kuznets point is trivial GDP isnt used in that way and economists dont use it in that way further talk about wellfare measurements is kind of a joke they should never advise policy tbh thats more motivation to rely on gdp and non wellfare based measurements.

2020-01-20 00:37:24 UTC  

```they should never advise policy tbh thats more motivation to rely on gdp and non wellfare based measurements.``` But they do

2020-01-20 00:38:18 UTC  

And I don't accept that it's trivial "or nonsubstantive" to point out that GDP != welfare

2020-01-20 00:38:35 UTC  

well you havent given any reason for why thats the case

2020-01-20 00:38:43 UTC  

``` to the point where he thought pointing out that it doesnt measure wellfare is some substantive point to make``` It's quite substantive... when the orthodoxy generally prioritizes GDP very highly as a measure

2020-01-20 00:39:45 UTC  

The reason ... would be decades of economists peddling the need to prioritize GDP over social welfare policies and programs.
Reaganomic trends of believing more growth will come from decreasing taxes on the top quintile (the laffer curve)

2020-01-20 00:40:02 UTC  

So it's not even "reason" it's a **wall of them**

2020-01-20 00:40:12 UTC  

yeah it is a very important meausre its more important than arbitarry wellfare measurements that are not robust to normative disagreement and the reasons its use dto advised policy is mainly indepednet of wellfare reasons entirely

2020-01-20 00:41:29 UTC  

Prioritize economy for economy's sake? Amazin

2020-01-20 00:44:36 UTC  

No the paper i cited shows there are no adequate wellfare measures so they shouldnt advise the second best we have is focusing on gdp and gdp components further the wellfare measurements with the least issues are the ones that are in general predicted pretty reliably by gdp. Further prioritizing wellfare over financial stability and employment stability is on its own stupid .

2020-01-20 00:46:14 UTC  

I can't open those papers due to pay walls. Then secondly, even if could, it doesn't seem like you've established that link.
I already granted the correlation to GDP and well-being, but I don't grant that this means business as usual politics (which you seem to be hiding is your actual motive)

2020-01-20 00:46:27 UTC  

So what I'm saying is, I'm assuming you're a bad faith rightoid bootlicker

2020-01-20 00:47:24 UTC  

But I can't imagine how we're going to get past this impasse right now and immediately, so I'm gonna watch some shit

2020-01-20 00:52:52 UTC  

''The buisnes as usuals politics'' dont even have to be motivated by welfare consideration they are motivated by macroeconomic stability because macroeconomic stability is a precondition in order to then target wellfare considerations(assuming we even can do that) and or target anything else for that matter but generally if GDP generally explains reliably changes in wellfare measurements most of the time it shouldnt be a problem again similar to the money supply and inflation analogy(my point still stands even if you dont beleive in MDT) which you didnt adress .

2020-01-20 00:53:40 UTC  

the objection is indeed trivial and naive not to say the least

2020-01-20 00:56:36 UTC  

@Methode do you remember this video lol

2020-01-20 00:56:59 UTC  

so funny

2020-01-20 01:03:05 UTC  

@actual_communist_boi oh no... you started floundering when you went into the theme park meme...
The theme park is taxed of its value

2020-01-20 01:03:37 UTC  

So the consumers go there, spend money and the value "generated" is redistributed through taxes...
But whether you even think a theme park generates value... you bought into that premise

2020-01-20 01:06:39 UTC  

@LustrousMandrill i didnt disconnect you

2020-01-20 01:16:39 UTC  

unmute me

2020-01-20 01:29:21 UTC  

``` “If you're explaining, you're losing.”

― Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries ```

2020-01-20 04:51:25 UTC  
2020-01-21 21:14:34 UTC

2020-01-21 21:14:59 UTC  


2020-01-21 21:29:02 UTC  

I'm on the bus

2020-01-21 21:29:33 UTC  

/tts I was going to say my problem is with Pop feminists

2020-01-21 21:29:56 UTC  

This is dumb centre right talk @Marcdoof

2020-01-21 21:31:41 UTC