Message from @Sasha

Discord ID: 665762624784433174

2020-01-12 02:43:09 UTC

2020-01-12 02:43:31 UTC

2020-01-12 02:43:42 UTC

2020-01-12 02:44:27 UTC

2020-01-12 02:57:49 UTC  

@Reclan if someone claims to have read "Das Kapital", here's a simple test: ask them to define "M-C-M". the phrase occurs first in Volume 1, Chapter 3: <> The exchange of commodities is therefore accompanied by the following changes in their form. Commodity-Money-Commodity, C-M-C. The result of the whole process is, so far as concerns the objects themselves, C-C, the exchange of one commodity for another, the circulation of materialised social labour. When this result is attained, the process is at an end.

2020-01-12 02:58:18 UTC  

@Reclan if someone claims to know Keynsian economics, ask them to define IS-LM.

2020-01-12 02:59:40 UTC

2020-01-12 02:59:56 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:00:29 UTC  

```As against this, the commodity-form, and the value-relation of the products of labour within which it appears, have absolutely no connection with the physical nature of the commodity and the material relations arising out of this. It is nothing but the definite social relation between men themselves which assumes here, for them, the fantastic form of a relation between things. In order, therefore, to find an analogy we must take flight into the misty realm of religion. There the products of the human brain appear as autonomous figures endowed with a life of their own, which enter into relations both with each other and with the human race. So it is in the world of commodities with the products of men's hands. I call this the fetishism which attaches itself to the products of labour as soon as they are produced as commodities, and is therefore inseparable from the production of commodities.[5]


2020-01-12 03:00:54 UTC  
2020-01-12 03:00:54 UTC  
2020-01-12 03:00:55 UTC  
2020-01-12 03:00:56 UTC  
2020-01-12 03:00:56 UTC  
2020-01-12 03:17:03 UTC

2020-01-12 03:28:57 UTC

2020-01-12 03:32:38 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:32:49 UTC  

peace windmill

2020-01-12 03:33:06 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:35:53 UTC

2020-01-12 03:42:59 UTC

2020-01-12 03:43:15 UTC

2020-01-12 03:43:35 UTC

2020-01-12 03:43:42 UTC

2020-01-12 03:44:38 UTC

2020-01-12 03:45:55 UTC  

Like the eyes look specifically NOT Asian

2020-01-12 03:46:02 UTC  

They are large eyes

2020-01-12 03:48:47 UTC

2020-01-12 03:49:10 UTC

2020-01-12 03:50:07 UTC

2020-01-12 03:51:09 UTC

2020-01-12 03:51:15 UTC  

Is drommels racist?

2020-01-12 03:51:56 UTC  


2020-01-12 03:52:31 UTC  

What's the evidence @goboblin

2020-01-12 04:51:21 UTC  

Goodnyaght eveynyan! Nervous about uni. Still bad sleep schedule. Still cant think ahead. Seriously dont want to go back to uni... also hate all other options or they are just impractical.... I haven't mentioned tummy in a while. If you remember when I use to do that a lot you are a veteran of nyan. Need gf. I could do with going outside, I dont even wake up time to do it. Want a weapon. Thank you for tolerating me.

2020-01-12 08:11:10 UTC  

Why no one in chat hnmmmm

2020-01-12 09:39:40 UTC  

Good mornyan everynyan! I won't sleep today i think. might sleep tho. want cute tummy. still hate my body if you were wondering if i did or not. also noticed i fell asleep with my last morning message, and might do so again. then after i woke up in the evening, i posted a goodnight message a bit later, then stayed awake until morning.... i am nocturnal...

2020-01-12 16:00:11 UTC  

science isn't like a god
its always changing
they suppress the truth
it is what gives most money that gets promoted

'science' is promoting unhealthy veganism, and denying meat. they are promoting sex to profit also.