Message from @KING LIAM
Discord ID: 324203384565530625
To fend off t h o t s
ffs 22 days since shipped and still no kitchen scale
my calorie counting
calorie counting is a meme
t. forever bulking
>appeal still being verified
C'mon Ali all I want to do is buy some controllers
Mi Note 2 is getting a official Global version now
Are there any good chink compressed air blowers?
what do you need it for?
Blowing dust out of computers
just get one of the hand pump ones
air compressors are loud as fuck
What kind?
lol those are really cheap to buy, why do you need chink ones and wait 1 month?
dunno dont own any
who likes my chinkshit generator called Chinexpress:
it already exists though?
yes, but it's shit
I know, some dude is hosting it from his home probably and it errors out sometimes
mine is much better
they're both pretty bad
cheers. but I'm listening to ideas how can I improve my generator
now i can't use it without logging in
thanks aliexpress
yeah, for whatever reason it forces you to login sometimes
probably some bot protection
at least https works
i noticed that
of course :)) I can't get any personal information from the iframe anyway, even if I tried
even without the randomizer aliexpress will force me to log in after a certain number of product views
but if I VPN in from the US it doesn't do it at all
mainland chinese plot against the taiwanese??
it's just strange
maybe everyone who is not an Americac == BOT