Message from @chad
Discord ID: 324141092624793601
They have a vg10 frame lock for fifty bucks
It's crazy
@Kaytee would you be my independent witness that **FRAME LOCK BEST LOCK**?
I hope you're ready for maximum meme but tri-ad is amazing
I wish cold steel had a more premium line
Instead of just same cheap steel but bigger
Not disputing that, but it's not exactly common in knives most people in this chat would get
I like a good back lock bit yeah frame lock best common lock
but I am already full satisfied with the best knife on chinese lands, sanrenmu 710
Did you loosen the pivot
It came out of the box very smooth and I dont even have a small screwdriver.
Ripoff mixza design
Doesn't look anything like the mixza shark
Wrong chat, wanted to offtopic
Also it kinda looks autistic
There we go
how do I get weed in china?
is there chink shit weed?
I doubt it
Can't remember seeing anything from China on .onion sites
holy shit just found out that that my cree flashlight has different modes
By half-pressing the on/off button I assume
double clicking
oh and half pressing works too
What modes other than on and low aren't total memes tho?
To fend off t h o t s
ffs 22 days since shipped and still no kitchen scale
my calorie counting
calorie counting is a meme
t. forever bulking
>appeal still being verified
C'mon Ali all I want to do is buy some controllers
Mi Note 2 is getting a official Global version now