Message from @Rikiar
Discord ID: 341029974918299648
and I don't play vidya on laptop so I can't comment
even 1080p?
People still play WoW?
i'm playing on a vanilla server because im too poor
He runs winblows so with non shit os you shouldnt have problems with performance at all
but i got hooked so maybe i'll buy the real deal for a month
fedora stop, i don't want no linux
if you need to play vidya on laptop, you're too far gone <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
Why would u want to use winblows
to play videogames
the usual suspect
I dont get you two @transience @Rikiar
because i like not to have to mess with with a fucking console to install stuff
i want my os to be stupid and easy. just like me and your mom
But you dont have to
Also windows install: next next next next agree to botnet next next next get ask toolbar next installed
GNU/linux: type few words
Wow hard
lol i don't download on sites that have toolbars in their installer that's even easier
I forgot first part where you search web 4 hours for .exe
i just look up the program and it's like first or secondo result always
how did windows hurt you fedora
where did bill gates touch you
By being shit os by shit company
True pajeet tier os
Anything but it is good
k gonna buy a mac then
Better than windows
ew dude
Atleast you get *nix
at least windows has a bash feature and that's nice
Are you trolling
tbh I'd take mac os over windoze
best of both worlds
Gimped down bash while macos runs native unix shells
Its not native with windows
btw a T440s costs 400€ used here, ffs