Message from @Windatica

Discord ID: 365960696070012930

2017-10-06 18:09:05 UTC  

remember to wipe em if you use em :P

2017-10-06 18:12:04 UTC  

also, my first xmas:
>truck pulls up to ramp
>opens trailer
>everything is just on one big ass pile of shit, no containers, no pallets, just a pile of packages, crammed in there like syrian refugees
>start unloading
>giant dog food boxes
>under them a top tier Samsung TV box from an electronics store, obviously it's the TV
>the box is in a perfect L shape
>open box at returns and damages
>it's just Samsung dust

2017-10-06 18:12:43 UTC  

it was .. dust. not broken parts of the TV, it was just dust

2017-10-06 18:15:17 UTC  

should I move to <#189467888657235970>

2017-10-06 18:15:27 UTC  

this is more euro-post-general

2017-10-06 18:45:18 UTC  

is there any way to disable the fucking 3 things on your wishlist now cost less

2017-10-06 18:45:29 UTC  

i always get excited for messages from chink qts

2017-10-06 20:14:30 UTC  

I've never used taobao, so I don't know. But it's almost too good to be true.

2017-10-06 20:15:27 UTC  

@emre stick to /cgl/'s list of trusted taobao middlemen

2017-10-06 20:22:04 UTC  

superbuy is fine, but you get shafted with shipping every time

2017-10-06 20:30:13 UTC  

it does give a counterfeit warning..

2017-10-06 20:32:52 UTC  

thats for fashion

2017-10-06 20:33:23 UTC  

not saying that you cant get fake consumer electronics though

2017-10-06 20:35:15 UTC  

it says it for this page

2017-10-06 20:35:29 UTC  

but i guess 70 dollars isnt that cheap for this board

2017-10-06 20:35:35 UTC  

should be fine

2017-10-06 20:36:06 UTC  

so you say superbuy will charge high for the international shipping, after they get the product from the seller? @Windatica

2017-10-06 20:36:27 UTC  

every middleman charges high for international shipping

2017-10-06 20:36:48 UTC  

you can buy without a middleman, but then you have to decode chink and still pay for shipping, but im not exactly sure how it works

2017-10-06 20:37:09 UTC  

you're encouraged to buy in huge hauls to maximize chinkshit:shipping price

2017-10-06 20:38:44 UTC  

I need a new keyboard. I heard ck 104 by motospeed is the one and only but you have to change the keys.

2017-10-06 20:39:07 UTC  

you have to change keys?

2017-10-06 20:39:08 UTC  


2017-10-06 20:39:14 UTC  

you mean like the keycaps?

2017-10-06 20:39:49 UTC  

yes, because they look like an alien designed it

2017-10-06 20:40:00 UTC  


2017-10-06 20:40:20 UTC  

if youre looking for a fullsized then yeah ck104 is fine, but if youre looking for tkl or smaller then you have a bunch of better options

2017-10-06 20:41:32 UTC  

what is it about red and blue switches

2017-10-06 20:41:49 UTC  

I do gaming and fast typing.

2017-10-06 20:42:04 UTC  

Theyre very different

2017-10-06 20:42:23 UTC  

Personal pref really

2017-10-06 20:42:55 UTC  

blues are generally shit for gaming because of the tacticile bump in the switch

2017-10-06 20:43:35 UTC  

for the gayming goy you want anything linear, gateron linears are as good or better than cherry linerarsars

2017-10-06 20:45:57 UTC  

I mean they can be ok, if you like them

2017-10-06 20:46:04 UTC  

the thing that worries me is that there is no wrist rest

2017-10-06 20:46:16 UTC  

But almost everyone would prefer browns, amd definately reds

2017-10-06 20:46:57 UTC  

Did you habe problems with that before? Because that is not an issue most of the time

2017-10-06 20:47:07 UTC  

ck 104 only has blues and reds

2017-10-06 20:56:53 UTC  

Im just used to the pad and cant imagine having none

2017-10-06 21:03:23 UTC  

I can play vidya with blues no problem