Message from @Wally
Discord ID: 349708034404122638
No offense meant to any who may be here.
Well father Johnson is kind of an expert
Yeah true.
They don't wanna admit Hitler's way was better.
Father Johnson is an expert and a good man but when you become obsessed sometimes your view becomes less objective.
He may want to see more in Putin than there is to see.
I'll have to look into it some more
He sees things very much through the Russian/Old Believer perspective and that can be difficult to translate, as it were
And you may be right about the optimism too.
But he speaks Russian
He does have access to a lot of information that we don't. So I generally trust his opinion as I know very little about his field of expertise.
Yea I listen to him
He makes a compelling case for conversion to Orthodoxy.
I trust his counsel. I talked with him a good bit at Cville in the hatecabin.
Wish I could have been at that, never got a chance to speak with him at Pikeville
Yea I go to orthodox church but I never met him
We need men like him and he should have more of a platform in it.
I'm reading his book Putin Populist
and I read Barnes Review
but I never met him anyway
but he said he got mazed at the rally on radio aryan
well we are lucky to have him and I'm sorry that he was going through rough times
Yeah I heard about that. I pray for his swift recovery.
Wel I was interested in Russia because my wife is from Donest in Russia separatist Ukraine
there was a coup in Kiev and John Mccane was there
I believe he's made a full recovery. His son is redpilled at 14 and was there as a medic.
Great kid.
@Wally does your wife have any qt slav friends?
Had a boomer post this in response to a tweet.
@Wally#6716 My wife is from Murmansk
@Confessor Boomer memes are a special kind of stupid.
they encouraged pornography
lol these people are as dense as rocks
man life must be difficult being that stupid
I dream of the day when there are no more boomers and we're in the era of generation zyklon.
yea, thinking we may beable to changes things much more quckily once they are gone... they are mucking up the works here
impeding us heavily
fuck you cisco